What Are the Symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Cancer? If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention. A doctor should be able to explain the different types of treatment options available to you. It is vital to choose a treatment option that is right for your condition. In addition to standard treatments, patients may be offered targeted drug therapy that targets abnormalities within cancer cells. The treatment options for this type of cancer are listed below.
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If the disease has spread beyond the nasopharynx, the cancer cells may have spread to nearby structures. Most patients will experience a small lump on their neck, but these lumps are not usually painful. This is because lymph nodes are normally small, but when cancerous cells invade them, they swell. These symptoms may be difficult to detect at an early stage, so it's vital to seek medical attention.
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Other symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer include blood discharge, frequent ear infections, headaches, and partial facial paralysis. A nasopharyngeal cancer diagnosis can be frightening, so it's important to be alert to the signs and symptoms of the disease. To determine if you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you should schedule a consultation with a doctor.
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Your doctor will conduct a thorough physical exam and discuss your symptoms. He or she may feel for lumps or lump-like tissue in your neck, or look into your nose and throat. A doctor may order certain diagnostic tests, including a CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging. A biopsy may also be performed to rule out other problems. When these tests are negative, the cancer will be removed and further testing may be required.
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The nasopharynx is the most common area affected by the disease. It is located behind the nasal cavity, which is a hollow, empty space behind the nose. The nasopharynx filters air and carries it to the throat, helping the person breathe. Most nasopharyngeal cancers start in epithelial cells, and people rarely notice any symptoms at the onset.
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Early diagnosis is vital for a patient's survival. When caught early, nasopharyngeal cancer is curable. Survival rates are 85% or more for people with localized nasopharyngeal cancer and 49% or less for those with more advanced nasopharyngeal tumors. However, it is important to note that the survival rates depend on several factors. For example, treatment for patients with localized nasopharyngeal cancer is often followed by adjuvant chemotherapy.
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Nasopharyngeal cancer is most common in people between 30 and 50 years of age and has a genetic component. It is common in Asian countries, southern China, and northern Africa. Smoking is a known risk factor for nasopharyngeal cancer because it reactivates the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) from its dormant state. Other symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer include throat pain, nasal discharge, and nasal blockage. A ringing sensation in the ear can be another symptom of nasopharyngeal cancer.
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An examination of the head and neck begins with visual inspection. A lighted tube is inserted through the mouth and nose to visualize the entire oral cavity. The doctor may also take samples of tissues during the examination. If a diagnosis is made by physical examination, treatment is based on the type of cancer found. Once the cancer has spread, treatment options will depend on the stage of the disease. The symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer are often early detection.
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Nutrition plays an important role in fighting cancer. Certain foods and nutritional supplements have specific molecular actions on biochemical pathways. While these can be harmful, they can be supportive of treatment for Nasopharyngeal Cancer. Depending on the type of cancer and treatment options, a diet may be crucial. While there are numerous nutritional supplements and foods to consider, not all of them are suitable for everyone.
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A doctor may prescribe standard treatments for NPC. However, if you aren't getting the results you want, your doctor may recommend a clinical trial. Clinical trials are an experimental method of treatment, where a new drug, treatment, or combination of standard treatments is tested to see if it works. Patients with advanced cancer are encouraged to participate in clinical trials to determine which treatments are best for them.