Vaginal cancer is the growth of cancerous cells in the vagina. It typically starts in the cervix, but it can also spread to other parts of the body. Many types of cancer undergo staging after diagnosis to help determine the most appropriate treatment. The stage is determined by a combination of physical exam, radiology tests, and biopsies. Here are the symptoms of vaginal cancer. It is vital to be aware of the early signs and symptoms of vaginal cancer to help ensure the right treatment.
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Painless bleeding during sex and changes in bowel movements can be signs of vaginal cancer. These changes may be accompanied by ulcers, warts, and sores. If these changes are accompanied by pelvic pain, visit your doctor. There may be something else causing this pain. A vaginal exam will help determine what the cause of your pain is. If your bleeding is unexplained, visit a doctor as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis.
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Once the doctor has suspected that you have cancer in your vagina, they will conduct a thorough physical exam. This includes a pelvic exam, which may include a speculum. If your pelvic exam is negative, a biopsy may be needed to determine if the cells are cancerous. If your doctor detects abnormal cells during the pelvic exam, a colposcopy may be necessary. A colposcopy uses a light source and a microscope to examine the vagina and cervix. The doctor will examine the sample for abnormal cells and to determine its size and growth rate.
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The prognosis of vaginal cancer depends on its stage. Early stage vaginal cancers are easily treated, and the National Institutes of Health reports a survival rate of eighty percent to ninety percent for those diagnosed with the disease. Treatment for vaginal cancers varies from one person to another, and doctors cannot predict the exact outcome of each case. Early diagnosis is key, and the earlier it is detected, the better.
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Treatment for vaginal cancer depends on the stage, type of cancer, and age. Depending on the cancer stage, radiation therapy is a viable option for treatment. Surgery removes the cancerous tissue and surrounding tissue, including lymph nodes, which minimizes the risk of the cancer coming back. A doctor may remove part of the vagina and lymph nodes during the procedure. The treatment for vaginal cancer may also include chemotherapy.
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Radiation therapy is another option. It uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. External beam radiation is often the preferred treatment for patients with invasive vaginal cancer. However, internal radiation therapy may be used in select cases. In addition to external beam radiation, radiotherapy can be administered through injection or a seed. The patient may also choose a procedure called brachytherapy, which uses radioisotope seeds to target the cancer.
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The early symptoms of vaginal cancer may be difficult to recognize unless it is detected during a routine pelvic exam. In addition to cervical cancer, vaginal cancer can affect the reproductive system. Early treatment can greatly improve a woman's chances of surviving the disease. The treatment for vaginal cancer is highly successful, but it is important to note that early detection is necessary to avoid further complications and to get the best treatment.
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A Pap test and pelvic exam are two of the most common tests for detecting vaginal cancer. The first test involves a biopsy of a suspicious area. If no cancer cells are found, the doctor may perform a colposcopy. This test uses an instrument called a colposcope to examine the vagina. The biopsy may also be followed up with a blood test or chest x-ray.
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Primary vaginal cancer is rare and affects less than 300 women in the UK each year. However, it is much more likely to spread than other types of vaginal cancer. Because the vagina is a muscular tube, it is also the opening to the womb, and it drains blood from periods. In addition to a vaginal cancer diagnosis, a woman should monitor any other changes to the cervix.
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Besides the signs of cancer, vaginal cancer may cause many other medical problems that can mimic these symptoms. Early vaginal cancer is difficult to detect, but a doctor can detect it if it is detected during a routine Pap test or pelvic exam. But if no symptoms are present, a Pap test or a pelvic exam will help you rule out other causes of the changes. So, it's important to know about your body's signs and symptoms.