There are a lot of different ways to treat your condition, and vaginal cancer is no exception. There are many options for treatment, but there are also side effects. Talk to your GP to find out what your options are. You might be asked to participate in a clinical trial. Clinical trials are designed to help healthcare professionals learn more about a new treatment and compare it with an existing treatment. However, this does not guarantee that the new treatment will work any better for you.
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If you suspect that you may have cancer in the vagina, your doctor will perform a pelvic exam to determine the exact cause. A pelvic exam involves placing you in stirrups and inserting a speculum. If your doctor notices any suspicious areas, they may perform a biopsy. This process can be useful if there is an abnormal Pap test. A biopsy will also allow your doctor to determine whether there is cancer present.
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In some cases, vaginal cancer patients will receive radiation or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy uses x-rays to kill cancer cells and may help control symptoms. It is often used as a palliative treatment for advanced cancers. Surgery, on the other hand, will remove the tumor and the healthy tissue surrounding it. This margin reduces the chances of the cancer returning. Lymph nodes may also be removed during surgery.
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Adenocarcinoma is another type of vaginal cancer. This form of the disease is rare and usually affects women whose mothers took hormones to protect themselves from miscarriage and other problems. It can affect the connective tissue or the pigment cells of the vagina. In most cases, though, vaginal cancer is caused by a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, the most common STD in women.
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The treatment for vaginal cancer depends on the location of the tumor. If it's located in the upper vagina, surgical treatment can be effective. The surgery can remove part of the vagina or the entire vagina. If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, the surgeon may also perform a reconstructive procedure. In this case, the surgeon will create a flap of skin from another part of the body to re-create the vagina.
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Stage IV: This cancer has spread beyond the vagina. Adenocarcinoma is more advanced, and has spread to other parts of the body. Cancer in stage IV has spread to the lungs, bones, and other organs. While the symptoms for vaginal cancer are similar, there are certain things to watch out for. One of the most common symptoms is a painful vaginal discharge. This may be a sign that you should seek medical treatment immediately.
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Changes in bowel movements can be an indication of many different conditions, including vaginal cancer. Changes in bowel movements may include chronic constipation, black/tarry stools, and the feeling that your bowel is not emptying properly. These are just a few of the common symptoms of vaginal cancer. Vaginal cancer can also be mistaken for a variety of other health problems, so it's best to go see a doctor for a diagnosis.
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Early detection is important to ensuring that you are cured. You can improve your chances of survival by having regular Pap tests and pelvic exams. If detected early, vaginal cancer is far more likely to be curable. Additionally, you can get vaccinated against HPV to lower your risk of the disease and increase your chances of being cured. These are just a few of the many ways to prevent and treat vaginal cancer.
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The most common type of vaginal cancer is squamous cell carcinoma, which starts in the cells lining the vagina. In most cases, this form is confined to the vaginal lining and does not spread. However, in some cases, the cancer can spread to nearby tissues, such as the rectum or the pelvic wall. Stage 4 has two substages, stage 4A and stage 4B.