If you have noticed that your vaginal bleeding has become unusual after sexual intercourse, you may have Vaginal Cancer. This is the first symptom most people notice, so if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor. Vaginal cancer is a form of squamous cell carcinoma, which develops in the squamous cells lining the vagina. About 9 out of every 10 cases of vaginal cancer are due to this type of cancer.
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While there are many different conditions that cause changes in the way a woman bowels, these changes are indicative of vaginal cancer. Chronic constipation, black tarry stools, and a feeling that your bowels do not completely empty may also be symptoms of vaginal cancer. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor immediately. Your doctor will be able to prescribe treatment for you.
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Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells in the vagina. It is usually the treatment of choice for invasive Vaginal Cancer. External beam radiation and brachytherapy (radioisotope seeds) are two ways that radiotherapy is delivered. Both treatments are effective, but surgery is generally recommended when a patient has a recurrence or a tumour that has spread beyond the pelvic area.
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Pelvic examinations are also important in the detection of early stages of Vaginal Cancer. Pelvic exams and Pap smears can help detect the condition early. A doctor can also perform a biopsy if a Pap smear shows abnormal cells. Further tests may include a CT scan and MRI. If these tests are positive, your doctor will conduct a biopsy to check the tissues.
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The doctors responsible for diagnosing and treating a woman with Vaginal Cancer will usually work with her general practitioner to plan her treatment. They will discuss the benefits and risks of various treatments, as well as possible side effects. It is important to take your time and consult your doctor. You should be diagnosed as early as possible, and your treatment will depend on the stage of the cancer. If the cancer has spread or already spread to other parts of the body, your doctor will perform additional tests to determine a treatment plan.
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Vaginal cancer may be caused by one of two types of cancer: squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Melanoma occurs more frequently on sun-exposed skin and forms in pigment-producing cells. In contrast, sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops deep in the vaginal wall and is characterized by irregular growth. Several types of sarcoma can be found in the body and cause symptoms that mimic those of vaginal cancer.
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In many cases, vaginal cancer doesn't cause any symptoms, and the doctor finds it during a Pap test or routine pelvic examination. Symptoms of vaginal cancer may include an infection. In cases where no symptoms are present, women should still consult their doctor. If no symptoms occur, the cancer might still be treated successfully. If detected early, the cancer is treatable and can lead to fertility.
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Stage IV of vaginal cancer is the most serious form of the disease. This type has spread beyond the vagina, and it has already affected surrounding tissue. Stage IVa cancer affects the lining of the rectum and bladder, and stage IVb cancer involves distant organs. The treatment for Stage IV cancer depends on the stage of the disease. However, it's important to seek immediate treatment if you experience any of these symptoms.
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Surgery may be required. Surgery involves the removal of the tumor and surrounding healthy tissue, including the lymph nodes. The doctor may recommend chemotherapy or surgery if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or the bladder. Oftentimes, patients will undergo both. But which option is the best? The choice of treatment is ultimately up to you and your doctor. The first step is to visit a doctor to get a thorough diagnosis.
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HPV infection is one of the risk factors for developing this type of cancer. If you are infected with HPV, you should consider taking a vaccine. Other important steps to lower your risk include not smoking or drinking alcohol. If you're a smoker, you should consider quitting if you can. Moderate drinking may reduce your risk of developing vaginal cancer. While you shouldn't drink alcohol during your pregnancy, it may help to lower your risk of developing it.
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A doctor can perform a pelvic exam and Pap test if you have any of these symptoms. A biopsy is also necessary for diagnosis. If your doctor finds a cancer cell in your vagina, he or she may order further tests to confirm the diagnosis. A blood test or chest x-ray are other tests your doctor may perform. If the cancer is detected early, treatment may be easier. This way, your doctor can start treatment as soon as possible.