There are various symptoms that can be indicative of uterine sarcoma. While most women experience no symptoms when it first starts, there are a few that may lead to a diagnosis. Some women may experience pelvic pain or mass. The doctor will likely feel the mass or fullness in the abdomen. Imaging tests can also confirm the presence of the cancer. In some cases, the symptoms will be vague and not detected until it has spread to other organs.
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In patients with previously treated uterine sarcoma, a rectovaginal examination is recommended every three to four months for the first two years. Afterward, a chest/abdomen/pelvic CT is recommended every six to twelve months until the patient has a recurrence of the disease. Alternatively, chemotherapy is a common treatment for uterine sarcoma, which is accompanied by postoperative systemic therapy.
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In women with a diagnosis of uterine sarcoma, abnormal bleeding is one of the first symptoms. However, some women may not have any symptoms and may simply have fibroids. If your symptoms include either abnormal bleeding or fibroids, you should visit a doctor. You should also be aware that a woman's age and lifestyle may be contributing factors. Women over the age of forty-seven are most at risk for developing this disease.
Radiation therapy is another treatment option for uterine sarcoma. During this treatment, high-energy radiation is used to kill cancer cells. This therapy can be external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) or internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy).
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Vaginal bleeding or spotting is another common symptom of uterine sarcoma. Women with this condition also tend to experience vaginal discharge, but not visible blood. In this case, the discharge could be a sign of a non-cancer condition. However, it is important to see a doctor to rule out uterine sarcoma and begin treatment.
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Patients with uterine sarcoma should undergo surgery for staging. Both surgical oncologists and gynecologic oncologists are equipped to perform this procedure. The World Health Organization published a classification system for uterine sarcoma in 2009. This system has two separate stages: ESS and CRISMP. In addition, a woman with uterine sarcoma should be evaluated if her symptoms are severe.
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If the cancer has spread to the uterus, it may also spread to the inguinal lymph nodes, upper abdomen, omentum, lungs, liver, bones, and other organs. The size of the cancer can vary. The grade of the tumor will help the doctor determine the type of treatment and the likelihood of cure. This is a complex condition with no specific cure. It is important to get the right diagnosis as soon as possible to prevent any complications.
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When you experience symptoms of uterine sarcoma, it's important to seek treatment. It's important to get screened early as the cancer may progress over a long period of time. Uterine sarcoma is not common and occurs in less than 5% of women in the United States. However, women who have undergone radiation to the pelvic region and/or tamoxifen treatment have a higher risk of developing this disease.
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Generally, Uterine adenosarcomas are aggressive growths of the uterus and are associated with poor overall survival. Patients diagnosed with stage I or stage II cancer usually survive five years. A doctor may also recommend a peritoneal lavage with citology for a full understanding of their disease. If the cancer has spread beyond the uterus, treatment may include pelvic and peritoneal lymphadenectomy. If these treatment options fail, the cancer may spread elsewhere and recur.