If you have experienced abnormal bleeding in your uterus, you might be dealing with a uterine sarcoma. Women also experience frequent urination and unusual fullness of the pelvis. Some may have no symptoms at all. While you may feel discomfort, you should seek medical care immediately. Listed below are some of the symptoms of this disease. Read on to learn more. If you suspect that you have this condition, it is important to know how to identify it.
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Your doctor will likely perform a pelvic exam to check for any signs of cancer. If you are experiencing bleeding, you should seek immediate medical attention. Uterine sarcoma symptoms are often hard to recognize because they are nonspecific. Patients may confuse these symptoms with those caused by benign uterine myomas. Furthermore, there are no imaging modalities that are reliable enough to diagnose uterine sarcoma without an operation.
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The primary symptom of uterine sarcoma is unusual vaginal bleeding. This bleeding may be pink or watery. Your healthcare provider may also want to perform a pelvic exam, ask you about your family medical history, and order tests to test for cancer. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your healthcare provider will ask you to describe any other symptoms that you may be experiencing. They may want to perform a medical history and your family history to rule out other conditions that could be the cause of the bleeding.
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Once treatment for your cancer is complete, follow-up visits are recommended. Regular rectovaginal examinations are recommended every three to four months for the first two to three years after treatment. You should then be checked every six to twelve months for another two years. You should also get a chest/abdomen/pelvic CT scan. Taking your medicine as prescribed is essential. In addition to these, your healthcare provider may suggest a spiritual advisor.
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In the event that you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a medical professional immediately. Uterine sarcomas are highly malignant tumors and should not be ignored. Your doctor may perform an endometrial biopsy to confirm your diagnosis. Surgical treatment involves a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are sometimes recommended.
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Your doctor may also recommend a hysterectomy or a laparoscopic procedure. You'll need to have the tumor removed as soon as possible, since it may spread to other areas of your body. Uterine sarcoma is not a common type of cancer, but certain symptoms raise suspicion. A biopsy should be performed as soon as possible, so that you can rule out other conditions that may be causing the pain.
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If you are experiencing unusual bleeding, ultrasound may be the best way to determine whether you have this condition. The results of the scan will tell your healthcare provider whether you have uterine sarcoma. However, a sonogram cannot differentiate a uterine sarcoma from an endometrial tumor. Therefore, ultrasound is often the first line of diagnostic testing for uterine sarcoma.
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If the cancer has spread to the cervix, you may undergo a radical hysterectomy to remove your uterus and any tissues that are near it. In this case, your doctor will remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries as well. During this procedure, your doctor will also send the cancer cells for histopathology. If you continue to experience symptoms after your treatment, you may need to undergo chemotherapy.
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There are three main types of uterine sarcomas: leiomyosarcoma, endometrial stromal sarcoma, and mixed epithelial sarcoma. Depending on their origin, these cancers are classified as low-grade ESS, high-grade ESS, and intermediate-grade ESS. Most of the time, they are classified according to the size and location. These details are crucial in determining the course of treatment and determining whether your cancer will grow or spread.
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Cancer starts when cells start to change and multiply uncontrollably. This abnormal growth of cells causes a mass or lump in the affected area. These cancer cells can invade other parts of the body or spread to distant organs. The most common types of uterine sarcoma are leiomyosarcoma and endometrial cancer. A physician will be able to determine which type is more severe and spread to other areas.
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If you think you might have a uterine sarcoma, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Most women with uterine sarcoma will experience heavy menstrual cycles or postmenopausal vaginal bleeding. Symptoms of this cancer can include irregular menstrual bleeding, and heavy bleeding during a menstrual cycle. Symptoms may not be readily apparent until the disease is advanced.