Uterine sarcoma symptoms are nonspecific and may be confused with those of a uterine myoma. They include abdominal pain, distension, and vaginal bleeding. In rare cases, the enlarged uterus can compress internal organs, causing bowel obstruction or tenesmus. A rapidly growing fibroid in a perimenopausal woman is also a sign of suspicion. Clinical examination may also detect an enlarged uterus.
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After a diagnosis of uterine sarcoma, patients may undergo other tests to determine if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. These tests will help doctors understand the cancer's stage and determine what type of treatment is necessary for the patient. The treatment will vary depending on the stage of the disease. To determine whether a woman has uterine sarcoma, she must undergo physical examination and medical history. She will also undergo a pelvic examination, which includes an ultrasound of the vagina and cervix.
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The ultrasound will create images of the soft tissues inside the uterus and fallopian tubes.
If a woman is experiencing these symptoms, her healthcare provider should examine her for a biopsy. Depending on the stage of the cancer, the doctor may suggest a specific treatment to help her manage the symptoms. A healthy diet and plenty of fluids are also recommended. In addition, patients should discuss how to cope with treatment side effects. If there are any questions or concerns, talk with your healthcare provider or spiritual advisor.
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Although uterine sarcoma is a rare tumor, it is highly aggressive and has a poor prognosis. A woman's doctor will likely recommend surgery to confirm the diagnosis, and may also consider adjuvant treatment, which involves a second course of chemotherapy after the primary treatment. This treatment may include removing the tumor. The patient should be aware of all symptoms. The symptoms and signs of a recurrence of the cancer should be noted and followed closely.
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A woman's uterus is an organ of the female reproductive system, and is about the size of a fist. It lies between the rectum and bladder, in the lower abdomen. During pregnancy, the uterus protects the growing baby, and its myometrium muscle tissue pushes the baby out during labor. A woman's uterus has a smooth surface called the serosa, which makes it move smoothly inside the pelvis.
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The patient was diagnosed with a locally recurrent uterine sarcoma, which can lead to a worse prognosis. The survival rate for survivors is low, and the cancer usually recurs in the abdomen, lung, or lungs. Treatment options include total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, or chemotherapy in conjunction with brachytherapy.
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Women with this disease usually report postmenopausal vaginal bleeding, heavy menstrual cycle, and vaginal pain. The cancer is typically detected through a variety of examinations, including an ultrasound, pelvic exam, and a biopsy. The earliest stage of the disease is best for diagnosis. If any of these symptoms are present, a doctor should examine the uterus. They should also check the uterus for uterine cancer-related symptoms.
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Radiation therapy is another treatment for this cancer. It kills the cancer cells by blocking the growth of the tumor. It is used after surgery or if the cancer returns after initial treatment. Radiation and chemotherapy can cause a number of side effects, including hormonal imbalances and menopause. Additionally, the drugs can cause muscle and joint aches. In rare cases, the uterus may become inflamed due to radiation or hormonal therapies.
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Treatment for uterine sarcomas should begin as soon as the tumor has been detected. It may spread to the pelvic area and increase in size. It may be in the supporting connective tissue or endometrium. Uterine sarcoma is usually diagnosed and treated early. However, it should not be misdiagnosed. Because treatment options are limited, early diagnosis are important.
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Preoperative diagnosis of uterine sarcoma is challenging due to the fact that primary sarcoma symptoms are vague. However, clinicians should perform a vaginal examination to rule out other causes of symptoms. A vaginal exam will reveal the size, shape, and mobility of the uterus. If there is a fixed mass, this is more suggestive of a malignant tumor, but should not be confused with a benign leiomyoma or endometriosis. MRI can also help differentiate between sarcoma and endometriosis.
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The main difference between uterine sarcoma and endometrial cancer is its location. Endometrial cancer begins in the lining of the uterus, while uterine sarcoma occurs in the muscle layer of the uterus. However, the most common type is leiomyosarcoma, which starts in the muscle layer of the uterus. Its symptoms can range from pain and swelling to a fatty mass.