The following is a list of symptoms of Thyroid Cancer. These symptoms may not occur early. Thyroid cancer may develop without any symptoms at all, or they may develop when the tumour has grown to a size that is pressing on the surrounding organs and tissues. While thyroid cancer may not present early symptoms, the symptoms can be signs of other health conditions. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
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A neck lump is another common symptom of thyroid cancer. It usually develops near the base of the neck, above the breastbone. A thyroid cancer lump grows quickly, and can even be visible. It feels firmer than surrounding tissue, and may make swallowing difficult or short-breathing difficult. Even if no symptoms are present, a thyroid cancer lump is always worth examining by a physician. Thyroid cancer symptoms may be more obvious to the physician than the other symptoms.
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If no other symptoms exist, a doctor may recommend a CT scan. This is an X-ray imaging procedure that uses high-resolution X-rays to take pictures of the internal organs. The scan may also reveal if cancer has spread throughout the body. It is important to have a complete evaluation by a physician for early detection. This is because early diagnosis is critical in the treatment of thyroid cancer.
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During the early stages of thyroid cancer, there are no obvious symptoms. The patient may experience no symptoms at all and may not have a thyroid disease until a doctor discovers the mass during a routine neck examination or imaging scan. A doctor will need to order an imaging scan to confirm the diagnosis. A doctor will recommend an immediate appointment if you notice any symptoms. It is vital to get a diagnosis as soon as possible to prevent any damage to the thyroid.
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Thyroid cancer is a form of solid tumor that appears as a nodule or mass on the thyroid gland. It occurs when rogue cells in the thyroid begin to multiply abnormally. Most people with thyroid cancer are cured with treatment, and most cases do not recur after treatment. Thyroid cancer symptoms are sometimes mistaken for symptoms of less serious conditions. However, they are nonetheless indicative of Thyroid Cancer.
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Thyroid cancer symptoms include a lump or nodule in the neck. A physical exam is needed to check for any abnormalities, and a biopsy is required to confirm a diagnosis. The doctor will also check your blood, lymph nodes, and voice box for changes. Your health history will help determine whether you're suffering from thyroid cancer. Here are the symptoms to watch for:
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A thyroid cancer tumor usually is more than two centimeters in size, and is not bigger than four centimeters. It can be of any size, though, and is usually not malignant. It has spread to nearby tissues, such as the larynx, trachea, esophagus, or recurrent laryngeal nerve. Although the symptoms of thyroid cancer are relatively rare in the early stages, they should not be ignored.
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Nodules on the thyroid may be benign. If they're small, doctors may simply recommend watchful observation. However, if they grow larger, doctors may perform an open biopsy, a procedure whereby a surgeon removes the nodule and sends its tissue to a pathologist for examination. A thyroid nodule biopsy has a 90 percent success rate of finding nodules that are benign. The diagnosis of thyroid cancer is often made after a thorough evaluation of the patient's symptoms and the results of the tests.
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The most common thyroid cancer symptom is a painless lump in the neck. Although this is the most common symptom, it is important to remember that a lump is not necessarily a sign of cancer. Luckily, thyroid cancer is treatable when detected early and with treatment. A CT scan or ultrasound is usually the first step in the process. The tumor is often detectable during a routine checkup, and treatment can begin right away.