There are several types of Soft Tissue Sarcoma. The most common type is Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, which arises in the inner layer of the skin (dermis). The tumor may appear as a slow-growing, hard-to-hear bump or pimple. It can also involve tissue nearby. Typically, this type of tumor does not spread, but it may recur after surgery. If the tumor undergoes fibrosarcomatous transformation, the risk of distant spread increases.
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Healthcare providers typically use several treatment options to treat patients with soft-tissue sarcoma. The treatments may change over time. It's important to discuss your treatment options with your health care provider to feel prepared. He or she can also offer suggestions for managing treatment side effects. Certain medical conditions may run in families. Knowing about any family history of a related condition can help you understand your risks and determine the right course of treatment for you.
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Symptoms of soft-tissue sarcomas can vary considerably from one person to another. Depending on the subtype, the exact location of the mass, whether it's in nearby tissue, and whether the cancer has spread, these symptoms may vary. You should see your doctor immediately if you notice any of the symptoms listed below. If the tumor is a golf-ball size, seek medical attention immediately.
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Core needle biopsy is a surgical procedure wherein a thin section of the tumor is removed. This biopsy is also known as a Tru-CutR biopsy. It's less invasive than an incisional biopsy and allows patients to go home the same day. While it's not a cure for soft tissue sarcoma, it is the first step toward treatment. A biopsy will be necessary if there are any signs or symptoms of the disease.
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Symptoms of soft-tissue sarcomas vary depending on where the tumour is located. Early symptoms may consist of a lump or mass under the skin. However, once the tumor has grown in size, the symptoms will become more noticeable. Some people experience abdominal pain, tingling, and blood in their stool. Some patients experience vomiting, and blood in their stool. These symptoms may be the first signs of soft-tissue sarcoma.
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Symptoms of soft-tissue sarcoma may be difficult to detect, especially when they're due to common causes. If you suspect that you're experiencing any of these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible. A physician may feel for lumps that are suspected of being sarcoma, and imaging tests, such as CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging, may be used to confirm a diagnosis.
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While many forms of soft-tissue sarcoma don't present symptoms in the early stages, symptoms can begin to show themselves later in the disease. A painful lump, swelling, and/or soreness may be the first symptoms, although they can occur anywhere on the body. Often, these symptoms occur after an injury unrelated to the cancer. Once diagnosed, treatment will depend on the type of soft-tissue sarcoma and the location of the tumor.
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A physician may suggest surgery if a lump is affecting your muscles. During surgery, the surgeon may recommend surgery to remove the tumor. Amputation may be necessary to repair damaged tissue or repair a damaged area. However, if the tumor spreads, the underlying bone is likely the cause. If surgery is needed, the treatment of soft-tissue sarcoma will depend on the specific tumor and its location.
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Imaging studies will be performed to determine whether the tumor is malignant or benign. The CT scan may include the injection of dye to make the tumor more visible. PET scans and ultrasound may also be used. A biopsy is often necessary to confirm a diagnosis. A needle is inserted into the tumor to remove a sample of tissue for a pathologist's examination. Some imaging studies will indicate a need for surgery before biopsy.