While you may not be aware of the symptoms of parathyroid cancer, these include excessive thirst, abdominal pain, and change in voice. These symptoms may be related to a number of conditions, so you should consult your doctor if you experience any of them. Read on to learn more about parathyroid cancer. And don't wait for them to appear. They could be warning signs of more serious conditions. Here are some of the most common symptoms of parathyroid cancer.
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Your doctor may also recommend tests to rule out other conditions. These tests will determine whether you have parathyroid cancer, as well as the stage of the cancer. The stage determines how far the cancer has spread throughout your body. The healthcare provider will explain these results in a way you can understand. Then, he or she will begin treatment. It may take several weeks to complete. It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible, however, because the cancer could spread to other areas of the body.
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Your doctor may also recommend a surgical procedure for those with severe symptoms. Surgery may be necessary if the parathyroid gland is enlarged or has a growth. During this procedure, a tube will be inserted into your arm to monitor calcium levels. You will likely experience low calcium levels for two or three days after the procedure. The symptoms of low calcium levels usually affect the face and fingers. However, you can cure 95% of cases of hyperparathyroidism with surgical treatment.
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A doctor may use a variety of tests to detect parathyroid cancer. Blood tests can measure calcium and phosphorus levels. Radionuclide scans are another way to diagnose the condition. These scans make use of a radioactive substance that travels to the parathyroid glands and brightens them up on a computer image. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment is decided upon. However, it is important to understand the symptoms of parathyroid cancer in order to know what options are available to you.
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Treatments for parathyroid cancer depend on the type of tumor, the stage of the cancer, and blood calcium levels. Surgery may remove all or part of the tumor. For patients who are unable to undergo surgery, medication may be prescribed to control the symptoms of hypercalcemia. If the tumor has spread, surgery may be necessary. But in some cases, a patient will only require medication to control the calcium levels. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, surgery is the best option.
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Treatments for parathyroid cancer include surgical removal of the entire tumor, or debulking. While surgery removes the tumor, it can also damage the nerves of the vocal cords. Patients may need speech therapy after surgery. A patient may also undergo radiation therapy. In radiation therapy, the cancer cells are killed with high energy and may even be destroyed. In radiation therapy, heat is used to kill cancer cells. Lastly, chemotherapy uses medicines to treat the cancer.
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If you suspect that you have parathyroid cancer, talk to your doctor right away. Your doctor will perform tests on your parathyroid glands to detect the cancer. You may be able to save yourself from surgery by following the advice of your doctor. In many cases, parathyroid cancer symptoms do not have any noticeable signs in the beginning stages. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. It is important to have regular exams and tests.
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The presence of these symptoms is a strong indicator that you may have a parathyroid tumor. Blood tests can detect the presence of a parathyroid tumor. The tumor's size, location, and size will be detected by the results. However, your symptoms may be due to other medical conditions. A doctor may need to perform additional tests to determine the cause of your symptoms. It's important to note that these symptoms are not necessarily signs of parathyroid cancer.
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Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for parathyroid cancer. Treatment for parathyroid cancer includes minimally invasive surgery and calcium supplements. The tumor grows slowly but can cause organ dysfunction. A diagnosis of parathyroid cancer can be made as early as possible. A doctor can remove the cancerous parathyroid gland through a procedure called a parathyroidectomy. However, the symptoms of parathyroid cancer are similar to those of other types of cancer.
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Patients with symptoms of parathyroid cancer may complain of feeling tired, feeling old, and not enjoying their life. Thyroid cancer is often first detected by a thyroid nodule. If this is the case, the patient may have difficulty breathing. Diagnostic tests for parathyroid cancer include ultrasound, CT scan, and sestamibi scan. So, if you think you may have these symptoms, visit your doctor.