If you have parathyroid cancer, there are several symptoms you should be aware of. Treatment for parathyroid cancer depends on the type of tumor, its stage, and the amount of calcium in your blood. Some treatment options will remove the tumor, but other options will only control the amount of calcium in your blood. Discuss treatment options with your doctor and consider the side effects before deciding on any course of action. If you are concerned that one treatment may not be effective, consider participating in a clinical trial.
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During the early stages of parathyroid disease, a person may experience no symptoms at all. These symptoms can vary from person to person, and may be due to another medical condition. Your doctor can perform blood tests to identify hypercalcemia or a parathyroid tumor. If none of these symptoms apply to you, see a doctor as soon as possible. In addition to diagnosis, treatment for parathyroid cancer may include supportive care, which involves managing symptoms.
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Surgery for parathyroid cancer is the most common treatment for the condition. The surgeon will remove the cancer by removing the tumor itself, or if it has spread throughout the body, the surgeon will remove the entire gland and its capsule. The surgeon will also remove any lymph nodes or other tissues around the gland. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, the surgeon may perform an en bloc resection, which removes the entire parathyroid gland, lymph nodes, and tissues in the neck.
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If you have parathyroid cancer, your doctor should check all of the four parathyroid glands in order to be sure. It is important to note that the cancer will often recur within the first two to five years after surgery, but sometimes it may take up to 20 years to return. If you have a single parathyroid tumor, you should schedule a surgical procedure immediately. If you have one or two, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the remaining cancer cells.
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A large, firm lump in the neck and throat can be a sign of parathyroid cancer. You may also notice a change in your appetite, frequent urination, and fatigue. These symptoms may be caused by another problem, and it is important to speak with your doctor to rule out the possibility of parathyroid cancer. There are many symptoms associated with parathyroid cancer, including depression and anxiety. It is vital to seek immediate medical attention to rule out a more serious disease.
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Despite its numerous symptoms, the early symptoms of parathyroid cancer can be difficult to detect. The cancer may be asymptomatic, but it can affect the quality of life. While the tumor itself may not be visible, it can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty breathing. Patients may also complain about a general feeling of being old, tired, and unenthused. Ultrasound, sestamibi scan, and CT scan may be necessary to diagnose the disease.
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Although most people with parathyroid cancer die within 5 years of diagnosis, there are some instances in which the tumor recurs. The tumor may grow again in the same area. Surgical removal of the tumor is not possible in all cases, and it may even attach to vital structures such as the esophagus or breathing tube. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it may spread to the lungs, bones, or liver. The treatment for parathyroid cancer depends on the type of tumor present.
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Patients with hormonally functional parathyroid cancer may suffer from hypercalcemia. In this case, calcium levels in the blood are too high and can damage the brain. In thirty percent of patients, hypercalcemia causes problems with the kidneys or skeletal system. Symptoms of hypercalcemia include increased urine production, bone pain, and bone fractures. In addition to these symptoms, patients with parathyroid cancer may experience abdominal pain.
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Pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas, may also cause hypercalcemia. Other signs of parathyroid cancer include increased thirst, nausea, and weight loss without apparent cause.
In addition to the symptoms, parathyroid cancer can affect the kidneys. When left untreated, it can cause severe hyperparathyroidism. Other symptoms may include kidney damage, bone pain, osteoporosis, and bone fractures. However, the most common risk associated with parathyroid cancer is death. In some cases, a parathyroid cancer can be successfully treated, while others do not respond to treatment.