If you are suffering from parathyroid disease, you should know about the different symptoms it causes. Most people don't notice any symptoms in its early stages. However, some of these symptoms could be a sign of a more serious ailment. If you have any of the symptoms, you should consult your healthcare provider to get it checked. A blood test will help you determine whether you have the condition. Your doctor can also perform other tests to determine whether you're suffering from a different type of disease.
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In about 10 percent of cases of parathyroid cancer, the thyroid is not functioning normally. When this happens, the levels of calcium in the blood rise abnormally high. This causes bone pain and osteoporosis. Elevated levels of PTH can also cause kidney stones. High levels of calcium can also cause dehydration and confusion. While most cases of parathyroid cancer occur in middle-aged adults, researchers have not yet identified risk factors.
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Parathyroid cancer usually recurs after surgical removal of the tumor. However, the cancer may return within two to five years after the tumor has been removed. Some patients can even experience a recurrence as much as 20 years after surgery. Parathyroid cancer has a slow growth rate, making it difficult to detect during early stages. The best way to detect a parathyroid cancer early is by checking the level of calcium in your blood.
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Diagnosis of parathyroid cancer is important to ensure your overall health. Your doctor will want to know your symptoms so he can give you the most accurate diagnosis. If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor to schedule an appointment. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, you can opt for surgery or chemotherapy. The treatment for parathyroid cancer is different depending on the stage. For patients who are experiencing symptoms, it is best to see a specialist as soon as possible.
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Acid reflux is common among patients with parathyroid disease. Approximately 62% of patients experience acid reflux. Although this problem will likely disappear once the parathyroid tumor is removed, it may still take several months before symptoms start showing up again. High calcium levels cause increased production of acid, and correcting the problem with calcium should help. If the acid reflux is severe enough, however, it may require emergency surgery to prevent ulcer bleeding.
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If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, consult a doctor for a parathyroid cancer diagnosis. There are several tests that can diagnose parathyroid cancer, including blood tests, imaging tests, and CT scans. A physical exam can detect any signs of the disease, and an extensive history can help the healthcare provider determine the size of the tumor. However, this can only be done if the symptoms are due to another ailment.
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Surgery is the most common treatment for parathyroid cancer. Depending on the size of the tumor, location of the cancer, and whether it's localised or metastatic, surgery is the most appropriate course of treatment. After surgery, the tumor is removed along with part of the thyroid gland and any lymph nodes that are located nearby. This surgery is commonly performed by a highly skilled surgeon who is familiar with the anatomy of the neck.