If you've ever had one of the symptoms of parathyroid cancer, you're not alone. Many other people are unaware that they have this disease, and you should always get a second opinion. It may save your life. Listed below are some of the most common signs of this type of cancer. In addition to the common symptoms listed above, you should be aware of other signs, such as weight loss, increased thirst, and a change in voice.
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Parathyroid tumors are rare, but they do have some risk factors. Some inherited conditions, such as familial hyperparathyroidism and HPT-JT syndrome, may also increase your risk. Additionally, people who have undergone radiotherapy to the neck may be more susceptible to parathyroid cancer. Although parathyroid cancer is uncommon, it is crucial to seek treatment as soon as possible if you notice any of these symptoms.
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There are several tests available to diagnose parathyroid cancer. A sestamibi scan uses a radioactive substance to look for abnormalities in the parathyroid gland. A CT scan, a computer-linked X-ray machine, and a sestamibi scan use radiowaves to create pictures of the inside of the body. If you suspect parathyroid cancer, your doctor will likely recommend an MRI or ultrasound.
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Often, parathyroid cancers are misdiagnosed as benign tumors. While surgery is the gold standard for treating these types of cancer, the cancer cells may remain in the body. Because of this, surgery can be risky, as cancer cells may remain inside the body after the tumor is removed in a partial fashion. Further, it increases the risk of complications, including death. If you think you might have parathyroid cancer, speak to your doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms.
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While the symptoms of parathyroid cancer are generally not very serious, they can be quite distressing. A patient may experience fatigue, trouble urinating, and excessive thirst. Hyperparathyroidism, a condition caused by the tumor, requires treatment. In addition to the symptoms, a patient may also experience graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) following allogenic stem cell transplant. This condition may affect the patient's entire body, including the kidneys and liver.
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The tumor may be located in the parathyroid gland or in other parts of the body. However, it is important to note that the majority of patients with parathyroid cancer will develop a recurrence. Recurring in the same location as the initial diagnosis is difficult due to the spread of the tumor. The tumor may attach to vital structures, including the esophagus and breathing tube. Occasionally, the tumor will spread to the lungs or bones.
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Oren Zarif calcifications in breast
Other common symptoms of parathyroid cancer include chest pain and stiffness. Patients with the disease may also experience nausea, hoarseness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms may be accompanied by a fever, and they may be accompanied by a sore throat or a hoarse voice. If the tumor has spread beyond the parathyroid gland, treatment may involve surgery or chemotherapy. However, patients with a low calcium level may also experience muscle spasms.
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Surgery is the most common treatment for parathyroid cancer. Surgical removal of the gland is the most common way to cure the disease. The surgeon will remove the tumor and any other tissues if necessary. If the cancer has spread to the bones, radiation may be used to prevent the cancer from spreading further. This treatment option can also help with the symptoms of hypercalcemia. However, surgery is not without risks. A surgeon can also damage the nerves of the vocal cords, which can lead to speech problems.
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Among the common parathyroid cancer symptoms, the most prominent is a high calcium level in the blood. This can lead to a hypercalcemic crisis, which is a dangerously high calcium level in the body. In addition, hypercalcemia can affect the kidneys, causing the patient to experience kidney stones and bone pain. The disease may also cause hoarseness or abdominal pain. Patients should seek medical attention if they notice any of these symptoms.
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Diagnosis of parathyroid cancer is based on a physical exam and blood work. Because the parathyroid glands are small, physical exam is not always enough. Sometimes the symptoms of parathyroid cancer may be mistaken for other health problems, such as a tumor or a benign adenoma. A doctor may use imaging tests to determine whether the tumor is malignant or benign. If it is found, surgery is the recommended treatment.