The treatment of squamous neck cancer depends on its stage, the presence of metastatic disease, and other factors. Treatment for recurrent metastatic squamous neck cancer generally takes place within a clinical trial. To find such trials, use the National Cancer Institute's clinical trial search tool. You can narrow your search by type of cancer, age, and location, as well as general information on clinical trials.
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Squamous cells line many organs and parts of the body. Cancer may start in these cells and spread to nearby lymph nodes and distant organs. Metastatic squamous neck cancer spreads to lymph nodes in the neck and collarbone. These cells produce anti-infection cells and are located in many organs throughout the body. Doctors attempt to locate the primary tumor before treating metastatic cancer. However, sometimes the cancer is found in lymph nodes that are too distant to be treated.
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The most common symptom of squamous neck cancer is pain and swelling in the mouth and throat. These symptoms can be caused by various factors, such as the human papilloma virus. However, the onset of symptoms depends on the location of the cancer. If you notice an unexplained neck mass, consult with your physician. Squamous neck cancer can be treated and cured.
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During your visit, your physician will examine your neck and throat for signs of disease. A biopsy is performed on the tissue sample to determine the extent of cancer. The doctor may also detect precancerous growths. Often, squamous neck cancer is metastatic. This means that cancer cells have spread to lymph nodes. If you suspect that you have this cancer, you should schedule a biopsy. You may have the condition before the cancer has spread to lymph nodes.
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Metastatic squamous neck cancer occurs when cancerous squamous cells spread from an organ to the neck. It can be an occult primary or an invasive squamous cancer. If you notice a lump in your throat, the symptoms of squamous neck cancer are often related to pain in the neck or throat. The symptoms of this condition are not immediate, but may appear slowly over time.
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The underlying reason why HNSCCs develop in the first place is that they originate from the stratified mucosa of the upper aerodigestive tract. This type of cancer has a distinctive feature: squamous differentiation. A well-differentiated tumour resembles stratified epithelium in structure and keratinization is irregular. The tumour is also called a keratin pearl.
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People with a weakened immune system are also at higher risk for developing squamous cell cancer. People with leukemia, HIV infection, or chemotherapy treatments are at an increased risk of developing this type of cancer. Those with weakened immune systems should avoid exposure to the sun during peak hours and use sunscreen every day to protect their skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays. This type of cancer also spreads through the lymphatic system.
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The treatment of squamous neck cancer depends on its stage and the location of the primary cancer. For example, external radiation therapy is used to treat squamous neck cancer that is occult. Depending on where the cancer has spread, radiation therapy to the neck may change the functioning of the thyroid gland. Blood tests may be necessary to monitor thyroid hormone levels. This type of treatment has a high chance of cure.
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In addition to surgery, treatment options may include radiotherapy or chemotherapy. These treatments can interfere with breathing, eating, and speaking, and may require rehabilitation for some patients. It may also be necessary to undergo follow-up tests to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. The results of these tests may also impact the type of treatment that is best for you. While clinical trials are the most effective treatment for squamous neck cancer, they have many side effects.