Squamous cell cancer, also called SCC, is a form of cancer of the skin. The condition is highly curable when it is detected in its early stages, and most cases are successfully cured if they are treated early. The cancer can return in high-grade or large-sized lesions, but most cases of this disease are curable. You should always avoid the sun when you suspect you have this condition.
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Squamous cell cancer typically presents as an abnormal growth on the skin. The appearance may be in the form of a crusty spot, wart, or sore that doesn't heal. It may also be found in the tissue underneath a fingernail or a nail. However, it can occur anywhere on the body. If you notice any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately.
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Treatment options for squamous cell cancer vary, depending on the location of the cancer and the extent of its spread. In some cases, the disease may spread beyond the skin and be harder to treat. A combination of treatments may be needed to successfully treat the disease. Treatment options for squamous cell cancer include surgery and treatment with medicines. If the condition is detected early, doctors will try to eliminate it.
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Squamous cell carcinoma usually appears on sun-exposed areas of the body. The cancerous growth is characterized by a scaly patch. The condition is caused by an underlying disease, such as actinic keratosis. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun damages DNA in the skin's squamous cells, increasing the risk of developing cancer. People with darker skin are at greater risk of developing it in the mouth, genitals, or mouth.
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Squamous cell cancer may appear as a red bump on the skin. It may also have a raised, wart-like appearance. As it grows, it may turn into an open sore and spread into the surrounding tissues. Doctors may choose to remove the tumor by scraping it or by cutting it out. Radiation therapy is an option if the cancer has spread and has metastasized.
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The most common symptom of squamous cell carcinoma is a raised bump that can vary in size from a pea to chestnut. Squamous cell cancers are typically found on areas of the body that are regularly exposed to the sun, such as the lips, the ear, and the scalp. They may also occur on the face, ears, and genitals. If you suspect that you have squamous cell cancer, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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Squamous cell cancer is highly curable if diagnosed early. Early treatment can eliminate the symptoms and even cure the condition. Squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common forms of cancer in the United States, but unfortunately, most cases of squamous cell carcinoma are not reported to cancer registries. The Canadian Cancer Society tracks the survival rate of cancer patients over five years. The survival rate for people with squamous cell carcinoma is approximately 95 percent.
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Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is one of the most common types of skin cancer. While cSCC is not typically life-threatening, it can become disfiguring if left untreated. Squamous cell carcinomas rarely appear in people under the age of 50 and are most common in people in their 70s. However, it is important to note that squamous cell cancers can grow in size and spread to other areas of the body.
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Although most cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin are self-limited, your doctor can still recommend regular check-ups with a dermatologist if you notice any of the symptoms above. It is also advisable to see a doctor if the sore does not heal after several weeks. The doctor will perform a thorough examination of the affected area and will likely ask you about your family history. A biopsy will be taken from the affected area and sent to a laboratory for further testing.
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A biopsy of the lymph node is one way to confirm the diagnosis of squamous cell cancer. The tissue is then examined under a microscope for signs of cancer. When squamous cell carcinoma is detected, it may spread in one of three ways: the cancer cells can grow and invade other parts of the body, or it can travel through blood vessels and lymph nodes.
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Squamous cell skin cancer is more aggressive than basal cell cancer. It can spread to other areas of the body, but if detected in its early stages, it is curable in up to half of the cases. Once it has metastasized, however, it can be harder to treat. In some cases, the cancer cells may move to distant parts of the body, such as the brain.