Squamous cell cancer of the skin is highly treatable if detected early. It is the most common type of cancer in adults in the U.S. However, cases of skin cancer are not required to be reported to the cancer registries. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, the five-year relative survival rate for this type of cancer is 95 percent. Listed below are the symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.
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A flat patch of skin or a red, sore, or blister is a sign of squamous cell cancer. It is more likely to form on sun-exposed areas such as the face and arms, but can occur anywhere on the body. The affected skin may also be swollen, itchy, or feel numb or tingly. However, this skin cancer is rare in the genital area.
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If you notice a red, scaly, or crusted patch on your skin, consult your doctor for an evaluation. A biopsy involves removing a small portion of the affected skin and sending it to a laboratory for testing. If the growth is deemed high-risk, it may need to be removed completely. Squamous cell cancer is treatable if detected early and treated appropriately.
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People who have a family history of SCC should have their skin checked regularly. Regular self-examinations are especially important for people at a high risk for developing the disease. In addition, skin self-examinations should be performed at least once per year to determine if you're at a higher risk. You should also visit a dermatologist if you notice any of the above symptoms.
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Squamous cell cancer usually begins on the face, neck, or bald scalp. The disease often begins from premalignant lesions known as actinic keratoses. Other common areas of squamous cell carcinoma include the face, lips, and scalp. It can also be found in the neck, extensor tendons, and dorsal hands and shins.
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Patients with cutaneous squamous cell cancer should be screened regularly for changes and preventive measures such as sun protection. They should also wear sunscreens with an SPF greater than 30 to protect against sunburn. Treatment plans for squamous cell cancer are structured according to the results of the biopsy. The care of these patients should be coordinated with the assistance of an interprofessional team of healthcare professionals.
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Although squamous cell carcinoma is not as common as the other skin cancers, it can be highly treatable. It is often easy to detect and treat if detected in its early stages. While the symptoms may be vague, early diagnosis will help ensure successful treatment. However, in many cases, the cancer may spread to nearby tissues, bones, and lymph nodes. As such, early detection is critical to preventing this disease from spreading and becoming incurable.
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In addition to sun exposure, SCC is more common in people with fair skin. People with light eyes and naturally red or blond hair are also more at risk. Those who are over 40 and use tanning beds increase their risk. In addition, adult sunburns and blistered sunburns also increase the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.