Although soft tissue sarcoma is not inherited, it can run in families. It is known to run in families when a person has a genetic cancer-predisposition syndrome. This article will discuss the symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma and how to recognize them. However, if you have noticed any of these symptoms, contact your doctor. He or she can order the necessary tests to rule out soft tissue sarcoma or recommend another course of treatment.
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While symptoms vary from patient to patient, many are similar to non-specific symptoms of other illnesses. Symptoms include abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, and an overall feeling of poor health. There are several factors that may increase the risk of developing soft tissue sarcoma, including radiation therapy for previous cancer and exposure to certain chemicals. It is also important to consider the stage of the cancer, as this will determine the type of treatment required.
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One of the treatments for soft tissue sarcoma is chemotherapy. This drug kills tumor cells by disrupting their ability to divide. This chemotherapy drug also causes side effects and is toxic to other rapidly dividing cells. However, if the cancer spreads outside of the tumor, chemotherapy can help kill it before it damages vital organs. So, it is important to consult with a doctor before undergoing chemotherapy.
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Incisional biopsy is a diagnostic method for soft tissue sarcoma. During this procedure, a physician cuts into the affected area and removes part of the tumor. It is then examined microscopically. An incisional biopsy is a simple outpatient procedure, which can be performed under either general or local anesthesia. Most patients required a biopsy before any treatment. If a biopsy is required to determine a diagnosis, the treatment will depend on the extent of the sarcoma and the location of the tumor.
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A lump on the skin may be the first symptom of soft tissue sarcoma. It is typically formed in the area of a tumor and is often accompanied by pain. If it presses a nerve or muscle, it may also be painful. However, if the lump is not painful, it is important to visit a doctor to rule out the presence of cancer. A soft tissue sarcoma can vary in size, with most growing to be larger than a golf ball.
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A physical examination and medical history may be necessary to diagnose soft tissue sarcoma. Diagnostic tests may include blood tests, imaging studies, and a biopsy. A biopsy may involve removing a small piece of tissue from the affected area and examining it under a microscope. A doctor will then decide on the best treatment for the patient. These tests can also be performed if there is a family history of cancer.
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Because soft tissue sarcoma symptoms are similar to symptoms of other medical conditions, you should consult a doctor if you think you may have a sarcoma. Your physician will be able to answer any questions you may have and examine your condition. They will also perform a physical examination to rule out any other conditions. A physician will determine which symptoms are caused by soft tissue sarcoma and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
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Symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma may be vague and difficult to detect in the early stages. Early symptoms can range from a lump to a visible mass, but will vary between types of sarcoma. A tumor can begin in any type of soft tissue and can grow anywhere on the body. However, 60 percent of soft tissue sarcomas begin in the arms or legs, with another 30 percent developing in the abdomen and ten percent affecting the head and neck.
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Often affecting children and young adults, soft tissue sarcomas begin in the body's connective tissue. These tumors often form on nerves, blood vessels, or deeper layers of skin. In severe cases, they develop in the legs or arms. Although there is no known cause of this type of cancer, it can be hereditary. There are two types of soft tissue sarcomas - cutaneous and deep.