Symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma are similar to those of other types of cancer, such as leukemia or lymphoma. Although rare, soft tissue sarcomas are treatable. In general, treatment will depend on where the tumor is located, and what type of cells are present. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, treatment will differ from that for one site.
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While most people do not have soft tissue sarcoma symptoms, it is important to visit a doctor for an exam if a large lump appears on the arm or leg. Masses are generally painless but can be accompanied by swelling or fullness. If the mass presses on a nerve, patients may experience numbness or tingling. If a patient has swelling, the mass should be removed as soon as possible.
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Depending on the type of soft tissue sarcoma, treatment options can range from surgery to chemotherapy and radiation. The best treatment option depends on several factors, including the location, size, grade, and grade of the cancer. Some patients may be a candidate for clinical trials. These trials are often used in combination with traditional cancer therapies. A medical oncologist will guide treatment. Some patients may respond to chemotherapy or new treatments that are currently in the pipeline.
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Early signs of the disease are typically not associated with symptoms. However, some people may notice a slow-growing, painless mass in the affected area. Larger tumors may cause pain. Pain or tingling may occur in areas where the tumors press against the lymph vessels. Some people may even experience constipation or breathlessness. However, soft tissue sarcoma is often asymptomatic. It can only be diagnosed if a doctor can determine if you have the cancer by examining you.
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Patients with soft tissue sarcoma are closely monitored to monitor treatment progress and detect possible recurrence of the cancer. In some cases, treatment is necessary for survivors to live an active life. However, if you are not able to complete treatment, you may need to undergo a long-term course of physiotherapy or occupational therapy. If you are diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma, you should seek medical attention immediately.
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Treatment for soft tissue sarcomas often involves chemotherapy. During chemotherapy, toxic drugs are administered to kill tumor cells. However, they may also damage other rapidly-dividing cells, resulting in many side effects. Treatment for soft tissue sarcoma is best if detected early. If the disease is diagnosed and treated early, it is possible to cure it. But it is important to understand that treatment is not for everyone and that many patients will experience some level of discomfort during the process.
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The first signs of soft tissue sarcoma usually don't cause noticeable symptoms in the early stages. However, later in the disease, a tumor may develop and cause pain. As the tumor grows, the tumor may push other tissues out of the way. The symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma vary from person to person. The most common signs are swelling and soreness of the affected part of the body.
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One type of soft tissue sarcoma occurs in the inner layer of the skin, known as the dermis. The tumor may develop anywhere on the body, and it may affect nearby tissue. Treatment for this type of cancer is successful in most cases, but it can still recur after surgery. The risk of distant spread increases if the tumor grows larger or transforms into a fibrosarcoma.
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When a mass grows in a patient's body, they will require a biopsy. X-rays are generally negative, but MRI's will be positive if the mass is growing. After the diagnosis is confirmed, further tests and procedures may be necessary. Some patients may experience side effects from their treatment, so it is best to discuss these with your healthcare provider before starting any treatment. You may also wish to discuss your family history.
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A painless lump under the skin is typically the first symptom. The cancer can develop anywhere on the body, though it usually begins in the arm or leg. Soft tissue sarcoma symptoms are similar to those of cancers of the muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. If it develops in the arms or legs, it can spread through the bloodstream and form a secondary cancer known as metastasis.
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Malignant tumors in the peripheral nervous system arise in the lining of the nerves outside the spinal cord and brain. These tumors can grow anywhere in the body, but most commonly form in the lining of the lungs or the meninges covering the brain. Once large, it can cause symptoms, but most are noncancerous. In rare cases, a tumor may progress to a malignant state and lead to pain and disability.