For a proper diagnosis, you must undergo a physical exam and a medical history. Your doctor may also order diagnostic tests, including imaging scans and blood tests. A biopsy may also be required to determine the extent of soft tissue sarcoma. A pathologist will examine the tissue under a microscope to determine its presence and location. Listed below are some of the symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma.
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Typically, no symptoms are present in the early stages of soft tissue sarcoma. Initially, the disease may appear as a painless lump, but as it grows, it may produce pain. The location of the tumor will determine the level of symptoms. Because early symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma are subtle, you might confuse them with other benign lumps. Consequently, you should seek medical attention right away.
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Although the cause of soft tissue sarcoma is unknown, some factors may increase the risk of developing it. One such factor is a weakened immune system. Moreover, people who have a family history of this disease are at a greater risk of developing the cancer. Patients suffering from soft tissue sarcoma may experience a range of symptoms. For example, stomach tumours can cause abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness, constipation, and even breathlessness.
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After diagnosis, patients may undergo a biopsy. This test can remove a small sample of cancer tissue by inserting a needle into the affected area. A second method, called excisional biopsy, involves removing the entire lump. A biopsy of the affected tissue is usually performed on adults. The results of this test will help the doctor determine the extent of the cancer and its spread. Once the tumor is removed, it may recur. Follow-up tests are recommended to monitor the disease and any changes.
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Radiation therapy is another important treatment for soft tissue sarcoma. Radiation is often administered before surgery to shrink the tumor, or after surgery to decrease its risk of recurrence. The radiation therapy given will vary by histology. Your doctor may recommend a combination of treatment, including surgery. A multidisciplinary team of medical specialists should evaluate your case. In addition to a biopsy, a doctor may use chemotherapy.
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While most patients do not experience sarcoma symptoms during the early stages, you may have some of the symptoms listed below. Your doctor may be able to diagnose soft tissue sarcoma with a physical examination and medical history. He or she will likely use the information you provide to evaluate your risk of developing the disease. If you have any of these symptoms, consult with a physician and have a specialized test done to determine whether you have the condition.
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If you are unsure about your symptoms, consider undergoing a biopsy to rule out a more serious underlying condition. Soft tissue sarcomas can begin in any soft tissue. While most start in the arms or legs, they can also affect the bones, muscles, fat, and blood vessels. They may spread to other parts of the body, known as metastasis. There are no definitive treatments for soft tissue sarcoma, but early detection is crucial to maximizing your chances of survival.
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Although the signs of soft tissue sarcoma are different in each person, they usually occur together. If the cancer is located in the extremities, you may have a noticeable lump under the skin. Most soft tissue sarcomas are painless, but the symptoms of this condition may include abdominal pain, shortness of arm or leg, urinary obstruction, and a feeling of fullness after eating little food. You may also experience nausea.
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The most common symptom of soft tissue sarcoma is a lump. The tumor is located in the area of the tumor, and may be painful if it presses on a nerve or muscle. If the lump is not painful, it is important to have it checked by a doctor. In addition, some sarcomas near the surface will move or change shape when touched. Others may be firmly embedded beneath the skin. In general, soft tissue sarcomas are bigger than a golf ball, or around 4 cm across.
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When a biopsy is performed to determine the exact type of cancer, the doctor will remove a sample of tumor tissue using a fine needle. This biopsy may also be used to rule out other diseases. A doctor may also remove a limb in some cases, but this is rare. It can also be dangerous and may even result in death. However, there are now advanced techniques that can confirm a diagnosis, such as molecular and genetic testing.