If you are diagnosed with this cancer, you may experience various symptoms. Some patients experience an enlarging mass in their arm or leg. Others may notice a fullness. Symptoms of soft tissue sarcomas vary widely depending on where the tumor is located. Some patients may experience numbness or tingling in the affected area. Depending on the type of tumor, symptoms may include any of the following.
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After diagnosis, healthcare providers will determine what type of treatment is necessary. Patients with this type of cancer are monitored over time for signs of recurrence or side effects from treatment. Treatment options for soft tissue sarcoma depend on the stage of the disease, as it can spread to nearby lymph nodes and distant organs. Cancerous cells may look like normal cells. However, treatment for soft tissue sarcoma may be tailored to a patient's specific needs.
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The causes of soft tissue sarcomas are unknown. Several factors are believed to be involved, such as exposure to certain chemicals. There is also a risk of passing on the disease to future generations. For this reason, genetic counseling or genetic testing may be recommended. The symptoms and signs of soft tissue sarcoma may be difficult to identify without a doctor's assistance. However, genetic testing is recommended to determine whether or not this type of cancer is hereditary.
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Although symptoms of soft tissue sarcomas can vary depending on the location where it has spread, they are usually only apparent in the later stages of the disease. The disease may start in the arm, leg, or abdomen, and may spread to other parts of the body. Approximately 60 percent of the tumors begin in the arms and legs. The remaining 30 percent usually occur in the abdomen. And just 10% of the cancers occur in the head or neck.
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Although soft tissue sarcoma has few early symptoms, doctors will likely diagnose this cancer after the tumor is large and has spread to other tissues. A doctor will perform a physical exam and ask you about your medical history to determine whether or not the tumor is soft tissue sarcoma. If the lump is suspected to be a sarcoma, imaging tests are also recommended. Imaging tests can show the location of potential cancer cells throughout the body. More detailed scans may be needed to make a definitive diagnosis.
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Treatment for soft tissue sarcomas usually involves chemotherapy. Chemotherapy works by killing cancer cells while damaging healthy, rapidly dividing cells. This leads to numerous side effects. However, it can often be a viable option for soft tissue sarcoma patients. Aside from chemotherapy, a doctor may also recommend surgery. Amputations are rarely used for this condition. While this option is rare, chemotherapy has been known to help patients with soft tissue sarcoma.
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The tumors of soft tissue sarcomas can affect bones, muscles, fat, tendons, or the lining of the joints. They can develop on nerves, tendons, and blood vessels. It can affect both children and adults and can be inherited from a parent. It is also possible to develop soft tissue sarcoma in adults. However, symptoms of the disease may not be obvious.