The main symptoms of Soft Tissue Sarcoma include the occurrence of slow-growing tumors. These tumors often develop in the muscles, tendons and ligaments that keep bones, organs and blood vessels secure. They most often occur in middle-aged and older adults. Children rarely develop this cancer, but can be diagnosed at birth or when they are very young. The tumors usually develop in the thigh or abdomen, and they can also affect the head and neck.
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Patients with a history of soft tissue sarcoma may develop painful masses in their arms, legs, or abdomen. Although they may form anywhere, these tumors usually start as small, slow-growing bumps that eventually spread to nearby tissue. Soft tissue sarcomas typically recur after treatment. Patients should consult a doctor if they notice any of these symptoms. While some types of soft tissue sarcoma can be cured after treatment, there are many side effects to such treatment.
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When diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma, patients may undergo chemotherapy before surgery. Chemotherapy involves receiving cancer-killing medicines through an IV. This may cause nausea, hair loss, and fatigue, but these are all temporary side effects. Other anti-cancer medicines are often given as pills or injections. A doctor may also prescribe other treatments for patients with soft tissue sarcoma, such as surgery.
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Treatment for soft tissue sarcoma depends on the location and extent of the disease. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or brachytherapy are all options. Patients with recurrent soft tissue sarcoma may also be eligible for clinical trials, which test new methods of treatment. Many of these studies test new treatments to make cancer cures more effective. If you're eligible, speak to your doctor and see if any of these treatments will help your condition.
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Although there are no early signs of soft tissue sarcoma, doctors can only diagnose the disease once it is large. Early symptoms may not exist, as the tumor has spread to other tissues. A doctor will likely ask you about your family history, as well as perform a physical exam to determine the best treatment for your condition. And don't wait until the tumor is large or has spread to other parts of your body.
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Various imaging techniques may be used to diagnose the disease. PET scans are one of these. PET scans involve the use of a radioactive glucose solution to visualize the cancer cells. In addition, a biopsy is another method used to determine the presence of cancer cells. A biopsy of tissue taken from the affected area may be performed. The tissue is then examined under a microscope. You can find specialists and information about the disease by contacting the Australian and New Zealand Sarcoma Association and Rare Cancers Australia.
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Some people have a lump that may not be painful. These lumps are not indicative of sarcoma. They may be caused by another disease. A doctor may recommend genetic counseling and genetic testing in cases where family members have a family history of the disease. If you have any concerns, see a doctor as soon as possible. If a tumor is causing you discomfort, seek treatment. However, remember that soft tissue sarcoma is a serious disease that requires prompt treatment.
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While soft-tissue sarcomas do not usually have any symptoms in the early stages, they may begin to develop as a tumor and become very large. Once the tumor has grown in size, it can cause discomfort and even bleeding. Large tumors may also lead to abdominal pain and bleeding, which can be accompanied by blood in the stool. Sarcomas that affect the uterus can cause swelling. The growth can damage the skin.
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The symptoms of Soft Tissue Sarcomas are different for each type of cancer. Kaposi's sarcoma develops in the skin. Kaposi's sarcoma is caused by a human herpesvirus, or HHV-8. Symptoms of Kaposi's sarcoma vary by location, but typically include pain in the abdomen, constipation, and a fever.