Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor in the retina, a part of the eye. Its symptoms include white pupil or a white-colored iris. The patient may also experience vision problems and blurry vision. If these symptoms occur in both eyes, it is important to see a doctor. Other symptoms include eye pain and changes in vision. Listed below are some of the more common ones.
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An examination for general signs and abnormalities of the eyes, a child's complete blood count, and the child's family history are all necessary to confirm the diagnosis. A dilated pupil exam is necessary to see the retina and optic nerve. Young children may undergo this test under anesthesia. This exam can be delayed. However, if your child experiences any of these symptoms, you should schedule a visit with a pediatric ophthalmologist.
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Generally, the first sign of retinoblastoma is a white pupil. The white pupil, also known as cat's eye reflex, is often white. However, it may not be a definitive sign of the disease. To be sure, consult an ophthalmologist. Another common retinoblastoma symptom is a crossed eye. Sometimes the eye will turn toward the nose or ear.
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Retinoblastoma is caused by a change in a specific gene, called RB1, in a person's DNA. This mutation leads to uncontrollable growth of eye cells, which eventually forms a tumor. Four out of ten children will develop hereditary retinoblastoma, and 60% of cases will be spontaneous. In the latter case, there may be no known cause.
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Retinoblastoma symptom-related changes in the retina include a white pupil and a enlarged eyeball. In addition to a white pupil, other symptoms include redness and pain in the eye. Pain is also a common retinoblastoma symptom, as well as a cloudy part of the eye. There may also be changes in the pupil, which are detected with eye tests.
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If the cancer has spread beyond the eye, it may also affect the central nervous system and the bone marrow. In some cases, retinoblastoma may have spread to the central nervous system, liver, or lymph nodes. In these cases, treatment may be based on the progression of the cancer. However, treatment may not be possible if the cancer has spread beyond the eye.
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Medications used in chemotherapy may not have the desired effects. They may harm normal cells while killing cancer cells. The doctor will discuss the treatment options and possible side effects. The treatments may involve intravenous medications. These are usually given via an intravenous catheter placed in the arm or foot. Some children may need a central venous catheter that is semi-permanently placed under the skin in the chest. Each child is different, so each treatment will require careful monitoring.
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Retinoblastoma can be treated surgically. If the tumor is large, surgery may be necessary to save the child's vision. In some cases, the eye may be removed. Young children are not likely to be able to sit still long enough for an examination. Fortunately, retinoblastoma is usually curable, but close follow-up care is crucial. Frequent exams will help detect the cancer's return.
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A retinal tumor is a rare type of cancer of the eye. It usually develops in childhood, although it can affect both eyes. A doctor will evaluate the condition after examining the eyes. The tumor may start in one eye, or it may spread to another part of the body. Patients with both eyes may be at risk of osteosarcoma. However, most children with retinoblastoma are cured after being treated.