The signs and symptoms of retinoblastoma are not well-known but are important to monitor for a long time. If you have any of the risk factors and have symptoms, visit an eye doctor to make sure there is no underlying malignancy. Read on for more information. This article explains the signs and symptoms of retinoblastoma. It can be frightening to hear that your child has a rare cancer, but you can help them to be as alert as possible.
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The most common sign of retinoblastoma is a white pupil. This is also known as a cat's eye reflex. Unlike the red-eye effect caused by a flash photo, a white pupil is a sign of retinoblastoma. In most cases, parents notice this first. For this reason, new born babies with family history of the disease should undergo a comprehensive eye examination as soon as possible.
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Retinoblastoma is usually diagnosed with a special eye examination. The doctor may perform it while your child is under general anesthesia to minimize any movement. A specialized instrument and special light are used to observe your child's retina and optic nerve. If your child has an abnormal mass on their retina, a MRI can help determine the extent of the disease. If the cancer has spread outside of the eye, your doctor will perform a bone marrow aspiration.
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Treatment for retinoblastoma may include surgery to remove the eyeball and part of the optic nerve. This surgery may cause the patient to become completely blind and is only an option in extreme cases. A glass eye may be placed in place of the affected eye. If you have retinoblastoma in both eyes, you will likely lose your ability to see and will have to undergo an entire eye removal.
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Treatment for retinoblastoma may involve surgery or other treatment. It may spread to other parts of the eye and block fluid flow inside the eye. In addition, it may spread to other parts of the body, including the brain and lymph nodes. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it can be difficult to treat. Fortunately, most patients who are diagnosed with retinoblastoma can be treated successfully if caught early.
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Retinoblastoma is an uncommon cancer of the eye, occurring in children less than 5 years of age. Ninety percent of children with this condition will survive it. Most children with this disease are cured. If detected early, it can be successfully treated and cured. If you have symptoms of retinoblastoma, seek immediate medical attention. You should be aware of other symptoms and take note of any sudden changes in your child's vision.
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Treatment for retinoblastoma depends on the size of the tumor and whether it has spread outside the eye. Treatment options may include surgery, chemotherapy, or cryotherapy. Your child may be prescribed pain relievers. Recovery time can vary from child to child. It is important to know your child's condition and the best treatment for the condition. It may take several years for the cancer to completely disappear but if diagnosed early, it is curable.
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The signs and symptoms of retinoblastoma may vary from person to person, but they all share the same genetic defect. The retina is a thin tissue that senses light and forms images. Similar to the film of a camera, it sends these images to the brain. When this cell dies, the retina becomes a tumor. If the condition does not respond to treatment, it can spread to other parts of the body, including the brain.
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Depending on the size of the tumor, location, and extent of the disease, treatment for retinoblastoma is different. The extent of the tumor in the brain and spinal cord will determine the treatment. If the tumor is large or spread to the brain, chemotherapy may be the best option. However, if the tumor is small, other options may be available. These include surgery, laser therapy, cryotherapy, and chemotherapy.