A child who develops retinoblastoma must undergo regular eye examinations to monitor the development of the disease. The condition often occurs before the child reaches the age of six years, but it can develop earlier in hereditary cases. The symptoms will be detected during the initial eye exam, but imaging tests can detect the condition in a more advanced stage. Fortunately, early detection is the key to preserving a child's vision.
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Retinoblastoma symptoms include a white pupil, "cat's eye," and pain around the eye. The most common symptom is a white pupil, which appears when light shines into the eye. Children may also have red or cloudy eyelids and pain. Some children with this condition also experience nystagmus, an abnormal movement of the eye's middle layer.
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A cloudy white pupil is another early symptom. In most cases, a child inherits a mutation from one parent. Sporadic retinoblastoma, on the other hand, is caused by a gene mutation that occurs in early childhood. If your child shows any of these symptoms, you should schedule a visit with a physician. A healthcare professional may perform a red reflex test, which involves shining a bright light directly into a child's eye. A pediatrician will be able to tell you if your child has retinoblastoma.
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In addition to a physical examination, your child will be subjected to imaging tests. Your doctor may use magnifying lenses to inspect the retina. This exam is performed under general anesthesia. If the tumor is large, doctors will also use local chemotherapy through the arteries in the eye. The risk of side effects from this procedure include bleeding into the eye, swelling of the upper eyelid, and damage to the artery.
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Depending on the size of the tumor, the treatment of retinoblastoma varies. The first priority is to preserve the child's life and vision. If the tumor has spread, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be required. In extreme cases, surgery may be necessary. Doctors will remove the eyeball and parts of the optic nerve. After that, a glass eye will be put in its place.
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Chemotherapy is a treatment option for retinoblastoma. It involves sending anti-cancer drugs through the body to kill cancer cells. Often, this type of chemotherapy is used along with photocoagulation and cryotherapy. Some of these drugs are given via a central venous catheter that is placed under the skin of the chest. While chemotherapy is a common treatment for retinoblastoma, each child responds to it differently. It is important to note that your doctor will evaluate your child at least twice before beginning chemotherapy.
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Early diagnosis is crucial for the survival of children with retinoblastoma. A timely diagnosis will prevent further vision loss and the disease's spread outside the eye. Treatment is more difficult when it has spread outside the eye, but it is possible to save the patient's sight if detected early. Once detected, there are many treatments available. If it is detected in its early stages, the child will be cured of the disease.
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Retinoblastoma is genetic in nature. It is a result of a mutation in the RB1 gene. Hereditary retinoblastoma occurs in up to 50% of cases. The inherited form affects both eyes. An acquired mutation affects both copies of the RB1 gene. It is difficult to recognize the early symptoms of retinoblastoma without an examination of the affected eye.
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Children with hereditary retinoblastoma are at risk for a brain tumor. This condition is called trilateral retinoblastoma, and occurs when a tumor develops on one side of the brain and a retinoblastoma affects the other. Children with this condition may undergo regular screening with an MRI, although CT scans are generally not used as routine screening because of concerns over ionizing radiation.
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Retinoblastoma can occur at any age, but is most common in children younger than five years. One in every 18,000 births is affected by the disease, and an estimated 250 to 500 cases occur each year in the United States. Retinoblastoma may develop in one or both eyes, or in both eyes. It can also spread to the rest of the body, including the pineal gland at the base of the brain.
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Glaucoma is a common symptom of retinoblastoma. This condition causes eye pressure to rise, causing damage to the optic nerve. Patients with retinoblastoma can develop it in one or both eyes, and it may even result in an eye being removed. It is a type of cancer resulting from mutations in certain genes that influence cell growth and developme