Often, patients with symptoms of kidney cancer may be unaware that they have the disease. Fortunately, there are many ways to discover whether you have the disease. Your doctor can conduct blood tests to rule out other conditions. Blood tests can be used to measure blood cell counts and other parameters, as well as evaluate your overall health. They may also check for things such as your liver and kidney functions, and your prothrombin time (PTT).
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Another treatment option for patients with kidney cancer is chemotherapy, which involves taking strong drugs to kill cancer cells. Although this type of therapy has less success than other treatments, it does shrink the tumor in some cases, and in others, it leads to remission. Chemotherapy drugs are given singly or in combination. Unfortunately, they can cause a variety of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, and hair loss. Additionally, chemotherapy suppresses the production of new blood cells, causing fatigue and anemia. Chemotherapy may also cause easy bruising and may not be appropriate for patients with advanced renal cell cancer.
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Despite the poor outlook for people with kidney cancer, early diagnosis can help you live a normal life. Treatment can help you reduce the symptoms and ease the pain associated with the disease. While the prognosis for these patients is still uncertain, research shows that treatment has helped many individuals live with this disease. It is also possible to enter clinical trials to test a new treatment for the disease. You can take part in one of these studies while receiving your current treatment.
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If you are concerned that you may have kidney cancer, you should visit a doctor to rule out other disorders. The most common type is renal cell cancer, which affects adults aged sixty to seventy. Other types of kidney cancer may be more difficult to detect and can cause symptoms similar to those of cancer. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. They can perform a biopsy and determine the type of cancer in your body.
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Surgery is the most common treatment for kidney cancer. A surgeon may remove a portion or the entire kidney, along with the lymph nodes or other tissues surrounding the tumor. Alternatively, a kidney can be removed through laparoscopic surgery, which involves very small incisions. However, surgery may not be an option for those who are frail or unwell. For these patients, an alternative treatment is embolization, which blocks the blood supply to the affected kidney, which reduces the tumor's size.
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Surgery for kidney cancer can help patients with early-stage disease. Nephrectomy is the standard of care for patients with clinically-staged T1a tumours. However, patients should be evaluated for other options, such as immunotherapy or targeted therapies. For patients who have cancer in both kidneys, partial nephrectomy is an option. For patients with small tumours in one kidney, active surveillance is an option.
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Diagnosis of renal cell cancer begins with a diagnosis of hematuria. The presence of microscopic or gross hematuria is a major symptom. Other symptoms include flank pain, palpable mass, and fever of unknown origin. Nonspecific symptoms of renal cancer may include fatigue, weight loss, and early satiety. A tumor may also cause paraneoplastic syndromes such as pedicle compression or segmental ischemia, which occur in twenty percent of patients. Increased erythropoietin activity is another sign of cancer. Anemia and polycythemia may occur.
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Imaging studies are a necessary part of the diagnosis. Imaging studies and lab tests determine the stage of the disease, and can help determine the best course of treatment. A urogram, known as an excretory urography, is an important diagnostic tool, but older scans may show less detail than newer scans. However, the information obtained from imaging studies will help a physician decide whether cancer is present in the patient.
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Immunotherapy drugs are used to treat advanced renal cell cancer. Immunotherapy drugs, including interleukin-2, can be life-threatening and cause high fever and dangerously low blood pressure. In addition to these side effects, patients with this cancer may experience intestinal bleeding, and even heart attacks. If they fail to respond to these drugs, they may be prescribed chemotherapy drugs. It is important to discuss any side effects with your doctor and be proactive in your treatment.