There are many possible signs of renal cell cancer. A lump or blood in the urine are symptoms of this condition. A physical exam can also detect any abnormalities or suspicious changes. The doctor will also ask you about your medical history to rule out other illnesses. Depending on the type of cancer, blood tests may be performed to diagnose the condition and determine whether it is a good candidate for treatment. A doctor can also order blood tests to rule out other conditions that may be causing similar symptoms.
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Radiation therapy is another treatment. This therapy uses high-energy light particles to destroy cancer cells. Although not the ideal treatment for renal cell cancer, it can be used to reduce symptoms in other parts of the body. Watchful waiting is another treatment option. This procedure is used for small tumors and allows the body to fight the disease without surgery. Patients who are too frail or ill for surgery may benefit from this procedure.
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If a kidney tumour is small and not threatening to the surrounding tissue, it may not be aggressive and may not grow to a size where it might threaten other organs. Treatment for kidney cancer may include regular CT scans and ultrasounds. If a tumor spreads to other organs, surgery may be necessary. Partial nephrectomy may be an option. Patients with cancer of both kidneys or just one may undergo this surgery.
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While the disease is difficult to detect early, the symptoms can vary widely. Early symptoms of renal cell cancer are often absent. However, as the cancer grows, the symptoms may begin to appear. Depending on the stage of the cancer, these signs may vary from one person to the next. The sooner the cancer is detected, the better the chances of survival. In fact, the earlier it is detected, the easier it is to cure the disease.
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The cancerous cells in the kidney have multilobed nuclei, which are more prominent than other types of tumors. It can spread to surrounding tissues and large veins leading to the heart. Sometimes, it may even spread to distant organs. Treatment options for renal cell cancer depend on several factors, including the patient's age and pre-existing medical conditions. While there is no single treatment for the condition, every treatment has risks and benefits.
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The symptoms of kidney cancer vary by individual. Some may be similar to those of other conditions, such as a cold or the flu. Your doctor can prescribe treatment based on the stage of the cancer and other factors, such as your family history and lifestyle. It is best to consult a medical professional as early detection will increase your chances of a cure. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible.
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In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary. Biopsies can help identify tumors and diagnose their stage. A biopsy is a procedure used to remove tissue and examine it under a microscope. Biopsies for kidney cancer are not 100% reliable, but can be useful to determine the exact type of disease. Patients who have a tumor in the kidney may undergo chemotherapy or other systemic treatment to cure it.
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The tumor size and extent of the cancer spread outside of the kidney are considered important for staging the disease. The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) uses TNM coding to identify the stage of the disease. The cancer is given a T, N, or M code, while an X is used for a tumor with no apparent features. The combination of these codes will determine the stage of the disease. A doctor may perform surgery to remove the tumor, but it will be necessary to identify if the cancer has spread.
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A CT scan is similar to an X-ray, but provides greater detail than an X-ray. It also shows abnormal areas on the kidneys and the lymph nodes surrounding the kidney. In addition to X-rays, the doctor may also perform a chest CT. A chest MRI may also be necessary to see if the tumor has spread to other parts of the body. The MRI can also detect cancer spread in the bones.