What Are the Symptoms of Renal Cell Cancer? Usually, you won't notice any of the following symptoms unless you have the disease. You might also notice blood in your urine or a lump in your abdomen. A health care provider can determine if you have renal cell cancer by running tests on your abdomen and kidneys. In addition, they will ask you questions to get a comprehensive health history and evaluate any symptoms you've been experiencing.
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Several factors determine the type of treatment you will receive. Your age, previous medical conditions, and the location of the tumor all affect your treatment. In addition to these factors, there are risks and benefits to each treatment. Fortunately, there are also many effective treatment options available. Listed below are some common treatments and symptoms of Renal Cell Cancer. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should consult a medical professional right away.
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Early diagnosis is the best way to ensure your kidneys are functioning properly. Renal cell cancer is more likely to be treated when it is diagnosed in its early stages. However, it can develop in any stage and can be fatal if not detected and treated. Symptoms may also mimic other illnesses or medical conditions. Treatment is dependent on the stage of the cancer, overall health, and the risk of side effects. Once you've been diagnosed, your doctor will perform a complete blood test to determine if you have any signs of the disease.
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The symptoms of kidney cancer can include pain, fatigue, and blood in your urine. While this condition usually affects people older than 60, it can also strike younger people. The symptoms of renal cell cancer begin to become noticeable when the disease is advanced. Renal cell cancer is graded according to the stages of development, and symptoms of each stage will depend on the stage of the disease. So, the sooner you get diagnosed, the better your chance of full recovery.
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Patients diagnosed with the disease will undergo regular evaluations by a urologist or a medical oncologist. This will include a history, physical examination, imaging studies, and lab tests to measure the function of the kidneys. If you're diagnosed with renal cell cancer, your doctor will recommend an appropriate treatment. The prognosis of the disease depends on the stage at which the cancer has spread to distant organs.
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Treatment for renal cell cancer may involve surgery or radiation. Radiation, which uses high-energy light particles to destroy cancer cells, isn't recommended for patients with early stage disease. Radiation is often used to relieve other symptoms of kidney cancer, but it doesn't treat the disease directly. Patients may also be told to wait until the cancer has spread to other parts of the body before undergoing radiation therapy. Some patients may experience side effects from chemotherapy, including nausea, fatigue, and hair loss.
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Surgery for kidney cancer can involve removing part or all of the kidney, along with tissues around the tumor. However, in more advanced stages, the surgeon may remove the entire kidney. A laparoscopic operation is also an option. This involves making a small hole in the abdomen and threading a thin lighted tube into the kidney. Although laparoscopic surgery is generally the first choice, patients may need a traditional open procedure to remove the whole kidney. This is not recommended for frail or unwell patients. Another treatment option is embolization, which involves blocking the blood supply to the kidney, causing the tumor to shrink.
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Your doctor may use a CT scan to diagnose the cancer. CT scans are like X-rays, but show much more detail. A CT scan can identify abnormalities around the kidneys, and an MRI can detect the cancer's spread to the other parts of the body. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should see your doctor right away. You may also need to undergo additional testing, including blood tests and imaging studies.
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Papillary cancer is the most common type of kidney cancer. This type of cancer affects 10% to 15% of people, and is caused by the growth of cells in the kidney's proximal convoluted tubule. The condition usually manifests as a single mass or several tumors within a kidney. Some tumors grow large, while others don't, but most are detected early before they spread.