Having a hard time having an erection? These symptoms could indicate a medical problem. In addition, they can be caused by other causes, including an enlarged prostate, smoking, cardiovascular disease, and aging. Therefore, it's essential to seek a doctor's advice if you notice any of these symptoms. You can download a free prostate cancer patient guide to learn more about the disease and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer.
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Acute bacterial prostatitis, or BPH, is a relatively mild form of the disease. It typically begins with a bacterial infection. In most cases, this type of infection is curable with antibiotics, and you may just need pain medication. But chronic bacterial prostatitis is much more difficult to treat. Although antibiotics can help, you should talk with your doctor about alternative treatments. If you notice recurring or severe symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
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Other Prostate Cancer symptoms include blood in the semen following ejaculation. Some patients also have numbness or weakness in their legs and feet. If prostate cancer has spread to the spinal cord, it can cause loss of bowel and bladder control. Fortunately, screening tests are available and can identify prostate cancer long before symptoms appear. This type of test measures levels of prostate proteins in the blood, or PSA. High PSA levels are an early indication of prostate cancer.
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The type of treatment a patient will receive depends on the stage of the disease, the location of the cancer, the age of the patient, and other factors. After the diagnosis, a doctor may perform a prostate biopsy or monitor the condition closely, depending on the cancer's stage. Some patients may receive watchful waiting while the cancer is under control. In other cases, surgery is required to remove the entire prostate or some of its surrounding tissue.
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Treatment for prostate cancer will depend on the stage and Gleason score of the cancer. However, the benefits of treatment for advanced stage cancers often outweigh the risks. A patient should be able to make decisions about the treatment options if they wish, but it is important to remember that treatment may cause more side effects than it is worth. If the disease has spread to other parts of the body, the risk of treatment side effects may be greater than the benefits.
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A prostate cancer patient will also suffer from urinary incontinence, which is inability to control urine. Urge Incontinence, meanwhile, is a sudden, overwhelming need to use the restroom when the bladder is not full. Urge incontinence is most common after radiation treatment. It affects a man's ability to perform sexual activity. It is important to seek treatment as early as possible to minimize the risks and improve the quality of life.
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Some of the first signs of prostate cancer are gradual changes. The changes in prostate cells can be low-grade or high-grade. Low-grade prostate cancer cells are less likely to grow and cause pain. The disease often begins in the prostate, but can develop in other areas of the body, including bones and lymph nodes. Fortunately, advanced prostate cancer treatments are available and can kill cancer cells while also limiting the pain associated with the disease.
While most people do not show symptoms of prostate cancer, early detection can save lives.
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Getting regular physical exams and PSA blood tests can detect early cancer. In addition, PSA levels are high in prostate cancer patients. This indicates that the cancer is present, but the stage at which the disease has spread is also important. While prostate cancer symptoms may not be obvious, they are indicative of an enlarged prostate and should be investigated immediately. If the PSA level is high, a biopsy of the prostate tissue is performed.
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Radiation therapy is an option for treating prostate cancer symptoms. It involves the placement of radioactive seeds near the prostate gland. To guide the placement of the radioactive seeds, a surgeon uses imaging scans. The treatment is specific to each patient and will depend on his or her condition. Some patients may be candidates for chemotherapy, which is a treatment that kills cancer cells throughout the body. While it may help prolong life, chemotherapy is not a cure for prostate cancer.
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PSA blood tests can detect prostate cancer early. If the PSA levels are elevated, the diagnosis can be made earlier. The Gleason grade group score can also be an indicator of the cancer stage. A high Gleason grade can mean a more aggressive cancer. The lower the PSA, the better the prognosis. You should see your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms. If you suspect you have prostate cancer, your doctor can order a PSA blood test to confirm.