If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have Prostate Cancer. The best way to determine whether you have the disease is to visit your doctor. Symptoms may be caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia or another medical condition, such as an enlarged prostate. Some men may not experience any symptoms at all. In other cases, a man may have a problem with his bladder, but not experience any prostate cancer symptoms.
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There are two main types of treatment for prostate cancer. One is known as active surveillance, and involves monitoring your condition. The doctor will check your condition regularly to determine how well it's progressing. If it's growing, treatment may be necessary. Another treatment option is radiation therapy. Radiation can kill cancer cells by damaging the cell membranes. Radiation can come from an X-ray machine or from tiny radioactive pellets placed near the tumor.
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Surgical or radiation treatment for prostate cancer may include hormones that may help you regain your sexual desire. Incontinence can result from prostate surgery or radiation. Urinary incontinence is an overactive bladder. This condition can cause sudden urges to use the bathroom even though you are not full. Treatment may include invasive procedures and changes to your lifestyle. It's important to see a physician as soon as possible if you notice any of these symptoms.
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Although prostate cancer doesn't usually cause symptoms, it is important to undergo regular screenings for early detection. Early stages of the disease do not usually produce pain. It can be asymptomatic for many years. You may have a sudden need to urinate before going to the bathroom. However, a prostate cancer tumor can develop in an advanced stage and cause symptoms like these. Even in the early stages of the disease, there's no pain, so you're at risk of not knowing until it's too late.
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Early detection is key to preventing prostate cancer. Performing yearly checkups can help detect it early. Other tests, such as a PSA test, can reveal if you have prostate cancer. Prostate cancer diagnosis is based on biopsy, a procedure that removes tissue from the prostate gland using a hollow needle. The tissue is then studied under a microscope for cancer cells. The results of these tests are useful in guiding treatment and determining the next steps.
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Another test to determine whether you have prostate cancer is a DRE. This tests for prostate cancer is often accompanied by other symptoms. Your doctor may also perform a PCA3 gene test. This test will look for a gene called PCA3 in your urine. Your doctor may also perform a biopsy, which involves removing a sample of tissue and examining it under a microscope. This test will determine if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body or not.
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If the test results show that you have prostate cancer, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. Early detection and treatment is the key to avoiding a recurrence of the disease. Fortunately, if detected early, treatment can be effective and cure the condition completely. If the symptoms of prostate cancer do not appear, then you might not even have the disease. This is because the prostate gland produces fluid that forms the semen.