If you're diagnosed with prostate cancer, you'll know what to expect. Usually, the symptoms are present within a short period of time. In addition to the typical symptoms, prostate cancer can progress rapidly. While it cannot be cured, it is treatable and can help patients live as pain-free as possible. However, if the symptoms are more severe, you might need to undergo treatment for prostate cancer. Listed below are some of the more common symptoms and treatments for prostate cancer.
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Pain and a persistent lack of erection are often accompanied by an enlarged prostate. This symptom may also be an early indicator of a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia, an underlying cause of many other health issues. If you experience these symptoms, contact your health care provider immediately. He or she can perform a physical exam and detect any problems. However, there are other symptoms of prostate cancer that may be related to another problem.
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A physician may first recommend an ultrasound to check your prostate and determine the cause. If the prostate is enlarged, you may experience difficulty urinating. These symptoms could be indicative of an underlying medical condition, such as an infection. However, it may be an early sign of prostate cancer. In any case, your health care provider will be able to determine whether your symptoms are a result of prostate cancer. If they're not, your doctor can perform a biopsy to determine the cause.
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You may also experience frequent, sometimes urgent, urge to urinate. A weak flow of urine or a stream that starts and stops can also be signs of prostate cancer. Lastly, you may notice blood in your urine or semen. Sometimes, the pain you're experiencing may be due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, which blocks the flow of semen. Surgical treatments may be needed to remove this obstruction. If the symptoms are persistent, see your health care provider as soon as possible.
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After the diagnosis is made, your health care provider will order a biopsy and a PSA test to see if there are any changes in your prostate. If the cancer has spread beyond your prostate, a CT or an MRI may be ordered to determine if the condition has progressed to the brain or spinal cord. For this reason, you should discuss your symptoms with your physician immediately and get regular PSA tests. Your doctor may prescribe treatment based on the severity of your symptoms.
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A healthy diet is important for overall health. A healthy diet has been proven to reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. And remember to eat whole grains instead of refined flour and white rice. These will provide more fiber to your diet. If you do have symptoms of prostate cancer, you may want to consult a doctor about a change in your diet or lifestyle. You may even be prescribed medications or surgery to help alleviate symptoms.
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As the most common form of prostate cancer, nonaggressive forms tend to grow slowly and do not cause symptoms. Fortunately, most men who develop it never know they've got the disease. But when it starts to grow rapidly and spread beyond the prostate, it becomes dangerous. As a result, prostate cancer symptoms may be difficult to detect. Fortunately, it's possible to have a treatment plan in place and a cure.
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Many men with elevated PSA levels may not have the disease. A biopsy may be recommended to determine the extent of the cancer. While a biopsy is necessary, it can also expose men to discomfort and infection. It's impossible to tell whether you have prostate cancer without a biopsy, but a high PSA level and a high Gleason Grade Group are indicators that treatment is needed. Treatment can be life-saving or even cure the disease.
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While early-stage prostate cancer can occur without any symptoms, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Screening tests, such as PSA levels, can detect the disease at its early stages. While symptoms are rare, prostate cancer can be treatable if detected in the early stages. Symptoms can vary depending on the stage of the disease and where it is located. Your doctor will determine whether you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, and will recommend treatment for you if necessary.
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Surgical treatment for prostate cancer can include a surgery called a prostateectomy. The procedure requires general anesthesia and an overnight stay in a hospital. After the procedure, your doctor will place a catheter in your penis for a week or so. You'll need to keep using the catheter for a week to make sure the connection between your bladder and urethra has healed properly. Unlike chemotherapy, doctors don't normally prescribe hormone therapy before or after surgery. But if your cancer is more aggressive, you may need hormone therapy and radiation to prevent it from spreading.