If you are suffering from any of these Prostate Cancer symptoms, it is time to talk to your doctor. You might be experiencing other issues such as diabetes, smoking, cardiovascular disease, or simply getting older. You should have your symptoms evaluated by a doctor to rule out anything more serious. Fortunately, there is a free guide for men with symptoms of prostate cancer that will help you understand the symptoms and the best course of action. To learn more about your symptoms, read on.
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Unlike most other diseases, prostate cancer often doesn't cause any symptoms until it is advanced. However, it can cause a variety of other symptoms that can be just as annoying or uncomfortable. These symptoms include trouble starting urination, blood in the urine, or an inability to pee. For those experiencing these symptoms, it's time to get screened for prostate cancer. Luckily, the signs of the disease are usually not as severe as you may think, and can be easily mistaken for something else.
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A family history of prostate cancer can increase your risk for developing it. Men with a family history of prostate cancer are three times more likely to develop it than those without. Women who have a history of breast cancer may also have a higher risk. Knowing your family's medical history can prompt testing if you notice any suspicious symptoms. So, share it with your doctor and make sure to get it checked as soon as possible. You may not even realize that you have the disease until it has spread to other parts of your body.
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Other symptoms of prostate cancer include pain and swelling in the legs, and inability to urinate properly. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. You may also experience urinary dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty in ejaculation. These symptoms may be due to other problems, like another condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. If these symptoms persist, your doctor may suggest undergoing more advanced testing.
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In many cases, men suffering from Prostate Cancer symptoms may opt for palliative care. While there is no definitive treatment for prostate cancer, it is possible to slow the growth and spread of the cancer while easing symptoms. This is especially useful if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. While palliative treatment does not cure the disease, it can reduce the impact of the disease on fertility. If your doctor finds that you have prostate cancer, they may recommend a treatment plan that includes surgery.
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The first stage of prostate cancer begins with changes in your DNA. When your body's cells divide and grow rapidly, the cancer begins to spread to other parts of your body. While other cells would die, abnormal cells keep growing. When this happens, prostate cancer is diagnosed early. Symptoms of prostate cancer include pain and bleeding in the urine. You should visit your doctor as soon as possible if you suspect any of these symptoms. In addition to getting a screening, your doctor may prescribe radiation therapy or surgery to reduce the size of the cancer.
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In addition to the physical effects of the disease, you should consider the fact that your sexual desire is not lost after the surgery. Surgery and radiation therapy may also cause incontinence, inability to control urine. Incontinence may be triggered by stress, coughing, laughing, or sneezing. Urge incontinence, on the other hand, may result from overactive bladder causing a sudden urge to go to the bathroom when you are not full.
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MRI or computed tomography (CT) scans may be ordered by your doctor. The latter will involve inserting a special coil into the rectum. MRIs may be helpful for detecting a cancer if it has spread to other parts of the body. However, if your doctor suspects you have prostate cancer, your doctor will likely recommend treatment. The side effects of prostate cancer treatment may be worse than the side effects of leaving the cancer untreated.
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Radiation therapy can help treat prostate cancer symptoms. A doctor may recommend internal radiation therapy (IRT), or brachytherapy, to target the tumor. This form of treatment uses radioactive seeds near the prostate gland. To target the area, a surgeon uses imaging scans to guide the placement of the radioactive substance. There are several types of treatments for prostate cancer, so your doctor will recommend the best option for your condition. Chemotherapy works by killing cancer cells throughout the body, but it has its side effects.