If you're suffering from peritoneal cancer, you may be wondering what to do next. The first step is to consult your GP. Your doctor will check your abdomen and may feel for lumps or tender spots. They will also look inside your abdomen to feel if you have internal organs. These organs should feel normal when you lie on your back. They may also ask you to lie with your feet raised and draw them up.
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There are several symptoms that can accompany PPC, including fluid buildup in the abdomen, or ascites. A sample of this fluid is taken to check for cancer cells. The physician will apply a local anesthetic to the affected area and draw a sample from the body. It is then analyzed under a microscope. Some people may have irritable bowel syndrome, which is characterized by bloating and changes in bowel habits.
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Other symptoms of peritoneal cancer include bleeding, abdominal pain, nausea, and constipation. While these symptoms are rare, they may be the result of the cancer's progression. The main goal of treatment for primary peritoneal cancer is to cure the condition. Treatment is based on a patient's symptoms, and your doctor will explain possible side effects to you. A doctor can also order blood tests to help determine what the symptoms of the cancer are.
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When the cancer has spread to the peritoneal lining, fluid may build up in the abdomen. As a result, the abdomen may be full after a meal, and abdominal distention can also occur. Additionally, there may be bowel obstructions or urinary tract obstruction. The last symptom is diffuse abdominal pain. The symptoms of primary peritoneal cancer may be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are so vague and elusive.
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Primary peritoneal cancer can start in the peritoneum, a thin membrane that covers the internal organs of the abdomen. This membrane clings to the intestines, liver, and stomach. Cancer cells may grow in peritoneum even if the ovaries have been removed. The symptoms of primary peritoneal cancer are generally vague and difficult to detect until it has spread to other organs. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
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Depending on the size and spread of the cancer, your doctor may choose to perform surgery to remove it. Surgical treatment for this type of cancer is very specific and may include removing the uterus and the fallopian tubes. Surgery may also include part of the liver and intestines. If you have stage 3 or stage IV cancer, you'll have surgery to remove it. Once the cancer has spread throughout the abdomen, treatment will depend on its stage.
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While there is no single cause for this type of cancer, some genetic mutations increase the risk of developing peritoneal cancer. Those with Lynch syndrome and Li-Fraumeni syndrome have an increased risk of developing this type of cancer. If your family history or your genetics are high risk, you should consider seeing a doctor immediately. In some cases, chemotherapy may be the only option. Some women may also be genetically predisposed to cancer.
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Other symptoms of Primary Peritoneal Cancer include enlarged liver and weight gain. This condition can also affect trans men and people assigned female at birth. Primary peritoneal cancer is rare and usually treated with the same treatment as ovarian cancer. A CT scan may reveal tumors in the liver, bladder, or omentum (the part of the abdominal wall that wraps around the intestines).
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The extent of the tumor is another important indicator of the cancer's spread outside of the pelvic organs. It may spread to other lymph nodes or organs in the pelvis. The presence of cancer cells may also be found in fluid around the lungs. If this condition is detected early, treatment may be less costly than if cancer had spread to distant organs. This is why it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible.