While there are no definitive symptoms of primary peritoneal cancer, it is important to seek medical attention if you notice changes in your bowel habits or have abdominal distention. These changes may indicate the cancer has spread outside the abdominal cavity and may have spread to lymph nodes in the pelvis. If the cancer has spread to distant sites, fluid may be present around the lungs and other organs. Peritoneal cancer symptoms vary greatly from person to person, so it is important to visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
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For patients who are too ill to undergo chemotherapy, supportive care may be recommended. This may include pain management or a special diet. Patients should develop a strong support system to deal with the discomfort that comes with cancer. Oncologists also monitor the spread of the cancer and evaluate any complications of treatment. Patients should always report any new symptoms and side effects to their oncologist. These symptoms will be difficult to live with, and are often frightening.
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Although the symptoms of primary peritoneal cancer can be hard to determine, early diagnosis is crucial. Research indicates that early detection of this cancer significantly improves the prognosis. The five-year survival rates for ovarian and fallopian tube cancers are about 60 percent and 29 percent, respectively. These numbers are similar to the rates for cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, but for primary peritoneal cancer, the survival statistics are based on small studies. One such study, conducted in 2012, followed 29 women with primary peritoneal cancer.
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During a CT scan, joanne Wilson became extremely fatigued and felt full all the time. She also began to gain weight. She went for a CT scan, which showed tumors in her liver and bladder, as well as an enlarged right ovary. An omentum, which hangs from the intestines and stomach, was thickened. This could mean gynecologic cancer.
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Early detection is the best form of treatment for primary peritoneal cancer. Screenings for other forms of cancer may be more effective than primary peritoneal cancer. However, if you've already been diagnosed with primary peritoneal cancer, you should be aware that it is not always easy to recognize its symptoms. Your doctor will likely order a number of tests to determine the cause of your symptoms. One test is a blood test called CA-125. This test may be elevated in many conditions but normal in the presence of cancer.
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Another test used for peritoneal cancer diagnosis is ultrasound. This uses sound waves to make a detailed picture of your body. An ultrasound can help to diagnose peritoneal cancer, and sometimes it can also detect the presence of tumor cells in the fluid. These tests are not specific to any particular cancer, however, and can be helpful in guiding treatment. If your physician suspects the presence of a tumor in your abdominal cavity, they will recommend an ultrasound to help them find it.
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Because peritoneal cancer has no specific symptoms, it is often hard to diagnose in the early stages. Because its symptoms are similar to other health problems, your doctor will usually find it during surgery to remove a known tumor. The doctor will perform a physical exam to assess the extent of the cancer, and may also perform a blood test to identify chemicals that signal the cancer. Imaging tests of the pelvis and abdomen may also detect growths.
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Primary peritoneal cancer is a form of rare cancer that begins in the peritoneum, a membrane that lines the abdomen. The peritoneum covers organs in the abdominal cavity and functions as a shield. When it starts in the peritoneum, it has a high rate of spreading throughout the body. Patients who have had ovarian surgery often have cancer in the peritoneum as a result of ovarian cancer.
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Fortunately, the majority of primary peritoneal cancer cases can be prevented by avoiding or limiting the risk of certain factors. For example, smoking, being overweight and not getting enough physical activity are all known risk factors. In addition, a person with two or more relatives with ovarian cancer is at a higher risk of peritoneal cancer. Despite these risks, modern treatments are improving and many people can live healthy lives with cancer symptoms.
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Although peritoneal cancer is rare, it is still a serious medical condition. About six out of every million people develop it. Approximately fifteen percent of people who have advanced serous ovarian cancer may have primary peritoneal cancer. Because it is uncommon, there are no early symptoms of this condition. In addition, primary peritoneal cancer usually spreads very quickly due to its abundance of lymphatic and blood vessels. The peritoneum covers the reproductive organs and digestive tract.