While there are no specific primary peritoneal cancer symptoms, you should have a CT scan if you suspect you might be suffering from the condition. This test can give your doctor an overview of your pelvis and abdomen, and it will also tell your doctor if you are suffering from omental caking, a symptom of fallopian tube cancer. Fluid in the abdomen is also a symptom of other cancers, so further tests are needed to rule out any other cause of the fluid.
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When diagnosed with peritoneal cancer, a doctor will explain various treatment options and the side effects of each one. Generally, women will receive surgery and chemotherapy for this type of cancer. Sometimes, they may also receive neoadjuvant therapy, a treatment that shrinks the tumor before it is removed. Wilson had her surface tumors surgically removed and then went through chemotherapy. A patient who is diagnosed with primary peritoneal cancer may require several courses of chemotherapy to treat their disease.
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A CT scan of the abdomen will also show the presence of a tumor. A patient with primary peritoneal cancer is likely to have tumors on the liver, bladder, or intestines. A CT scan will show tumors in the liver, ovaries, and bladder, as well as an enlarged right ovary. Further, a thickened omentum - the part of the peritoneum that hangs from the stomach and wraps around the intestines - will be seen on a CT scan.
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If the tumor spreads outside of the fallopian tube or ovary, you should seek medical treatment as early as possible. The cancer may also have spread to nearby lymph nodes, such as the aorta or the paraaortic lymph nodes. The tumor may have metastasized to distant sites, including nearby lymph nodes and the lungs. In addition to tumors in the peritoneal cavity, the cancer can spread to distant organs, including bones, lungs, or the spleen.
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The cancer starts in the peritoneum, a membrane that lines the inside of the abdomen. It protects organs and helps them move smoothly. Like ovarian cancer, primary peritoneal cancer is aggressive and can spread quickly to other areas of the body. In many cases, the cancer isn't detected until its late stages. Treatment options include chemotherapy and surgery, depending on the extent of the disease and its symptoms.
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Early detection of peritoneal cancer is difficult because the symptoms can be confused with other conditions. Because of this, your doctor may not know what you're suffering from until it has spread. You can also have other symptoms, like abdominal pain, or a bowel obstruction. During an initial visit, your doctor may order a series of tests to make sure you're not suffering from something else. MRIs and CT scans may help your doctor identify growths or abnormal organs.
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The disease usually spreads to lymph nodes outside the peritoneum and may also spread to the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Stage II can also spread to the other parts of the pelvis. Primary peritoneal cancer is categorized into two types - stage IIA and stage IIB - and three types of stage III. Stage IIA and stage IIB are the early stages of the disease.
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There are no specific primary peritoneal cancer symptoms, but you should know what to look for. Primary peritoneal cancer is a rare cancer, which affects about six out of every million people. It's rare, but it's important to seek early diagnosis, as the disease can spread quickly. As the disease advances, the symptoms can be vague and may mimic symptoms of other conditions. You should not ignore any of the above symptoms.