If you are diagnosed with primary central nervous system lymphoma, you may wonder what your treatment options are. Here are some helpful tips to help you cope with your symptoms. If you have primary CNS lymphoma, treatment may consist of chemotherapy and radiation. However, you may experience side effects from the treatment. To help you cope with the symptoms, you may seek out support from your family, friends, and medical professionals.
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Although primary CNS lymphoma is relatively rare, it can occur in anyone. Men are more likely to develop the disease than women, and the median age for diagnosis is 55. It is more common in people with AIDS or who have weakened immune systems, such as those on drugs that suppress the immune system. Physical exams may include neurological and brain tests, such as a mental process test or coordination testing.
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Primary CNS lymphoma symptoms typically include increased pressure in the skull, which can be caused by the tumour or blockage in brain fluid spaces. Headaches, vision disturbances, and nausea are common symptoms. Seizures may also occur, as can changes in personality. You may also experience weakness in one side of the body. You may even develop paralysis. In some cases, this cancer can progress to the point of killing you. To avoid this, you should visit a healthcare provider right away.
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A doctor may also recommend undergoing a series of diagnostic tests, including an MRI. Diagnostic tests can reveal whether the cancer has spread or if it has recurred after treatment. In addition to the doctor's examination, blood tests can detect low levels of red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells, which fight infection. MRI tests are usually performed every three to four months and can last up to 2 years.
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While primary CNS lymphoma is rare, nearly 1,500 new cases occur each year in the U.S. It affects the spinal cord, brain, and the outer covering of the CNS. Primary CNS lymphoma is different from other forms of lymphoma, which spread to other parts of the body before they reach the central nervous system. If your lymphocytes have spread to the eye, it is known as ocular lymphoma.
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Although it is rare, primary CNS lymphoma is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. It is an especially serious cancer to see, and its incidence is increasing in the elderly population. In addition to identifying symptoms early, knowing the clinical features and signs of this disease can minimize the risk of misdiagnosis, nondiagnostic biopsy, or unnecessary treatment. Furthermore, early diagnosis can lead to cure, so it is essential to recognize the symptoms as soon as possible.
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While PCNSL is a non-Hodgkin lymphoma, it can affect any component of the central nervous system. Since the epidemic of HIV began in the early 1990s, PCNSL has become increasingly common in elderly patients. Although symptoms of PCNSL are generally non-specific, the symptoms can range from mild to severe. If left untreated, patients may develop focal neurologic deficits, seizures, or even personality changes.