There are some common symptoms of Primary Central Nervous System (CNS) lymphoma. The specific symptoms will vary depending on the part of the body affected. Other symptoms include headache, change in personality, visual changes, weakness and incontinence. Because the symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma often appear quickly, it's important to seek medical attention right away. The good news is that there are plenty of treatments available to relieve the symptoms.
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Diagnostic tests are used to determine the extent of the cancer, its spread, and whether or not it is responding to therapy. Doctors use these tests to predict whether or not the cancer will respond to therapy and whether it will recur. Blood tests can help detect signs of lymphoma, including low red blood cells and platelets. A doctor may also use blood tests to look for abnormal immune system activity or HIV.
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Patients with a weakened immune system are more likely to develop primary CNS lymphoma than people with normal immune systems. People with AIDS and other conditions that affect the immune system are also at a greater risk for the disease. In addition, people with compromised immune systems are more likely to develop this type of lymphoma, and many patients are in their late 20s or early 30s when it occurs.
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Treatment for CNS lymphoma is most effective when the tumor is contained within the cerebrum, the most important part of the brain. The patient must be under 60 years old, have minimal memory loss, and be able to perform daily functions. In addition, the patient should have no other diseases that weaken the immune system. After treatment, patients may need to undergo MRI scans every three to four months for two years.
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While primary CNS lymphoma is a rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, it is extremely important to seek medical attention immediately. This form of the disease is most likely to develop in adults aged 45 to 70. People with weakened immune systems are especially susceptible. However, treatment options for the condition vary widely. If you have symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma, your doctor will likely recommend a stem cell transplant.
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Currently, there is no cure for Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to determine whether someone has it or not. The CTCA provides information on the signs and symptoms of the disease. The CTCA website also offers a Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Fact Sheet. There's more information available online than ever before about this rare disease.
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Treatment for Primary CNS lymphoma varies widely. Depending on the severity of the cancer, the age of the patient, and other factors, chemotherapy or radiation may be necessary. The Abramson Cancer Center utilizes the latest advances in radiation therapy and personalized medicine for cancer patients. Patients can participate in clinical trials to determine which treatments are most effective. The Penn Brain Tumor Center is at the forefront of neuro-oncology and is committed to research and discovery.
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Depending on the stage of the disease, PCNSL can affect any central nervous system component, from the spinal cord to the brain. The disease's aggressive nature makes it difficult to detect, and a diagnosis is essential to prevent a cancer-related relapse. Patients can experience a wide range of symptoms from mild neurological deficits to psychosis, and seizures to personality changes. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a medical professional right away.
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There are also many symptoms related to PCNSL. The disease typically develops in the seventh decade of life. Patients with primary spinal cord lymphoma present with progressive myelopathy, and 64 percent have associated constitutional symptoms. Back pain was the presenting symptom in 29 percent of patients. Other symptoms of the disease include a variety of lower motor neuron signs, such as flaccid paralysis and ataxia.