The symptoms of a pituitary tumor may be similar to those of other diseases. In addition to the physical exam, a doctor may perform blood tests to monitor hormone levels and an MRI scan to check the pituitary and surrounding structures. A visual acuity and field test may also be conducted to check if the tumor is pressing on the optic nerves. Other tests include urine and blood tests to determine the location and size of the tumor.
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Treatment for pituitary tumors involves controlling symptoms. While symptom relief is an important aspect of pituitary cancer treatment, some patients also experience side effects, such as nausea and fatigue. Patients who have pituitary tumors should avoid excessive alcohol or smoking and follow their doctors' advice regarding diet and exercise. Additionally, they should limit their intake of processed and sugary foods to reduce their chances of developing complications.
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While the exact cause of pituitary tumors is unknown, many individuals develop this condition because of genetic mutations in a family member. Changes in a particular gene, such as MEN1, CDKN1B, or GNAS1, increase the risk of developing the condition. These changes are known as the "Carney complex," which is associated with a higher risk of developing pituitary tumors. Certain changes in the gene GNAS1 also cause McCune-Albright syndrome, which is associated with brown skin patches and bone problems.
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Loss of peripheral vision may also occur. Loss of peripheral vision can progress to blindness. In some cases, large pituitary tumors press on the optic nerves, causing virtually any visual problem. Furthermore, large pituitary tumors can press on the brain, affecting memory and muscle weakness. Symptoms of pituitary tumors are often similar to those of other diseases, making it essential to undergo a thorough examination and evaluation by a doctor to rule out a malignant growth.
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Although pituitary tumors usually have no early symptoms, they may develop in a few months or even a year. These symptoms are often mild and may not even indicate the presence of a tumor. It may also mimic other health conditions, such as a thyroid problem. Because pituitary gland tumors grow slowly, they can mimic other problems and not necessarily be associated with pituitary tumor symptoms.
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Nonfunctioning pituitary tumors are also a sign of a malignant tumor. The pituitary gland is about the size of an acorn. Because of its location in the brain, pituitary tumors can affect vision. This problem causes a loss of peripheral vision, but the patient can correct it by moving their head. The doctor may also perform a visual field test to check for tumors.
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Because pituitary adenomas differ in size and location, diagnosis can vary. An experienced pituitary tumor specialist can provide a clear diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatment options may include medication, surgery, Gamma Knife radiosurgery, or a combination of these treatments. Your doctor will guide you through the process of treatment. If you do suffer from these symptoms, consult with a pituitary tumor specialist to discuss your treatment options.
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In the U.S., about 10,000 people are diagnosed with pituitary tumors each year. Almost all of these tumors are benign. They do not spread to other parts of the body, but they can interfere with hormone levels in the body. Because pituitary adenomas are relatively rare, they do not usually produce symptoms. A pituitary tumor can be diagnosed by a physician based on the symptoms and stage of the tumor.
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If you experience these symptoms, you may have a pituitary tumor. These tumors can cause symptoms that vary from person to person. Your doctor can perform an MRI or CT scan and take blood and urine samples to determine the presence of the tumor. Treatment options will depend on the location and type of tumor. For example, surgery may be necessary if the tumor is cancerous, but treatment for noncancerous tumors is available.
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The pituitary gland is a tiny organ located near the base of the brain. It is also referred to as the "master gland" because it controls the secretion of most of the body's hormones. Because it is a small organ, the pituitary is often overlooked. It regulates the production and secretion of most hormones in the body, so its presence is a warning sign of potential disease.