While a Pituitary Tumor can cause a wide range of symptoms, it is usually not cancerous. The best treatment for a pituitary tumor is to reduce its symptoms. This type of treatment is sometimes referred to as palliative care. It may begin as soon as the tumor is diagnosed and continue throughout treatment. However, if you experience any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to talk to your doctor about the cause of these symptoms and discuss your options with your physician.
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Other symptoms of a pituitary tumor include loss of peripheral vision and loss of eyesight. Often, these symptoms can go unnoticed until they progress to blindness. However, large pituitary tumors can cause almost any visual problem. Because they press on the eye nerves, they can even cause double vision. They can also affect the memory and cause weakness. In addition, some patients experience weakness.
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If you have any of these symptoms, your doctor will first need to evaluate the size and location of your tumor. He or she may order MRI scans or computed tomography (CT) scans to determine the exact size of the tumor and its position. Once this is determined, your doctor will determine the best treatment for your condition. If your tumor is small and non-invasive, treatment will not be necessary. If you are young and healthy, periodic monitoring may be sufficient.
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Treatment for a pituitary tumor depends on the nature of the tumor and its effect on your body. Drug therapy can help control the overproduction of pituitary hormones or replace the underproduction. However, some pituitary tumors are too large for drug therapy and will require surgery. A surgeon can reach the tumor through an incision in the upper lip. Surgical removal is also necessary if the tumor is putting pressure on your optic nerve or the optic nerve.
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Depending on the type of tumor, the symptoms of a pituitary tumor can be very similar to those of other illnesses. Tests can measure your hormone levels in the blood and urine. You can also have a CT scan and MRI, which use radio waves to see inside your body. The results of these tests may be helpful in determining the type of tumor you have. Your doctor will also perform tests to see which hormones are producing in your body.
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When it comes to pituitary tumor symptoms, there are three different types of pituitary tumors. There are nonfunctioning and functional types. Functional pituitary adenomas produce hormones that cause abnormal body changes. While nonfunctioning pituitary tumors do not produce any hormones, they do place pressure on nearby nerve structures and cause symptoms. For this reason, it is important to discuss all possible symptoms with your doctor.
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A doctor will want to rule out other causes of pituitary tumor symptoms before recommending a surgery. For example, a nonfunctioning pituitary tumor can be due to an infection or inflammation. MRI images may show these conditions as pituitary tumors. If the symptoms are persistent, it may be a sign that a pituitary tumor is causing the symptoms.
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Fortunately, pituitary tumors are relatively rare, with only a few hundred cases in the United States. Because they are so rare, pituitary cancer is typically detected after death in older people. However, most pituitary tumors are benign and do not cause symptoms. In fact, about one in four people will have a benign tumor. Symptoms can vary depending on the type of pituitary tumor.
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A physical exam may check the patient's mental status, reflexes, and muscle function. A blood test may be ordered to assess the hormone levels in the blood. Repeated imaging tests may also be used to determine the tumor's growth rate. Depending on the type and stage of the tumor, doctors may recommend hormonal treatment or surgical resection. If the tumor is suspected, the symptoms may be attributed to a different cause.