Pituitary tumor symptoms are a sign that your body may be developing a mass. The tumor may press on the optic nerve, the part of the brain where optic nerves intersect. This may cause a loss of peripheral vision, which in severe cases can lead to blindness. While pituitary tumor symptoms are often the same as those of other conditions, they are different enough to warrant a doctor's attention.
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Some of the common symptoms of pituitary cancer include lower sex drive and decreased libido. Women may experience less frequent periods, breast growth, loss of facial hair, and lower sex drive. In men, a symptom of pituitary cancer is discharge from the breasts, which may be a sign of a tumor. Symptoms of a tumor are often not obvious, and they may be a sign of Cushing's syndrome.
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Treatment for pituitary tumor symptoms depend on the type and location of the tumor. Some tumors can be removed surgically through the nostrils. Transsphenoidal surgery is one such method. Larger pituitary tumors may require an opening in the skull. In some cases, a pituitary tumor can press on the optic nerve, which may necessitate surgery. Some surgeons may also perform radiosurgery to treat pituitary tumor symptoms.
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Tests are another important part of pituitary gland tumor care. These tests measure the amount of hormones in the body. They may be abnormal in either case. An abnormal urine test may indicate that the tumor has spread to the eyes or has affected the optic nerves. Imaging tests may be done to determine the exact location and size of the tumor. People with a higher risk for pituitary tumors should undergo blood tests regularly to monitor the tumor's effects on their vision.
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Treatment for pituitary tumor symptoms depends on the type of pituitary gland and the hormone it produces. Some people have no symptoms while others may have the symptoms of Cushing syndrome, which is a condition in which the pituitary gland secretes excessive amounts of growth hormones. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor can refer you to a specialist if they think you have pituitary tumor.
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Another common pituitary tumor symptom is a nagging headache. While some people may not experience pain or weakness, a pituitary tumor might press nerves near the pituitary gland. In such a case, an emergency treatment is necessary. This treatment may include corticosteroids and surgery. But it is important to note that pituitary tumor symptoms are unique to each patient.
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There are various pituitary adenomas, and they are classified based on their size. A microadenomas are smaller than one centimeter in diameter while macroadenomas are larger than 10 millimeters. Although many adenomas secrete hormones, not all of them do. Approximately one-third of pituitary tumors are functional. The latter cause symptoms by pressing nearby nerve and brain structures.
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Different treatments are available for pituitary tumor patients. Some are standard, while others are in clinical trials. In some cases, patients can enter clinical trials both before and after receiving their treatment. This is because clinical trials can test new treatments before they become standard treatments. Some trials are open only to patients who have not already been treated for pituitary cancer. However, patients should consult a doctor to ensure the best course of treatment.
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The symptoms of pituitary tumors vary depending on the type of tumor and the location in the body. Some of the common symptoms include increased risk of cancer, irregular periods, or low sperm count. Other pituitary tumor symptoms can range from a decreased appetite to an abnormal bowel movement. While pituitary tumors are mostly benign, they can cause serious problems in a person's life. For example, the size and shape of a pituitary tumor can alter a person's IQ and cause various neurological or mental problems.
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Treatment for pituitary tumors varies depending on its size and spread. Radiation may be used to shrink the tumor. Drug therapies may be used to shrink the tumor or decrease its hormone production. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Prevention is also key. A healthy diet, including plenty of fruits and vegetables, is an important part of treatment. You should follow a diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins.