If you have noticed that your pituitary gland is enlarged, you may be experiencing symptoms of a pituitary tumor. These symptoms can range in size, makeup, and treatment options. For best results, it is important to schedule an evaluation with a doctor who has experience with pituitary tumors. Understanding these symptoms is important during diagnosis and treatment planning. Your doctor will discuss how to address them, as well as other factors to consider.
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Your pituitary gland can become enlarged and produce hormones that are not needed by the body. These hormones affect the way you feel, and can cause various problems in your life. For instance, an overproduction of one hormone can cause under-production of another. This may lead to a range of symptoms, including decreased energy levels and fatigue. Pituitary tumors can also cause vision problems, including loss of peripheral vision, double vision, and blindness. Fortunately, there are many ways to diagnose this disease and the symptoms often closely resemble those of other conditions.
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The effects of Pituitary Tumors on the body vary from person to person. The effects on men and women may be different. Women may experience irregular menstrual cycles and men may see milky discharge from the breasts. Other symptoms of Pituitary Tumors may include loss of sex drive and erectile dysfunction. If you have a family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 or a genetic mutation that increases your risk for developing this disease, this tumor may have additional effects.
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Some pituitary tumors cause symptoms, including increased blood pressure and weight loss. But there are also some that are benign and cause no symptoms. A nonfunctioning adenoma, for example, is a benign tumor and does not produce hormones, but can be large enough to cause problems. If you have symptoms, your doctor may recommend surgery or undergo another treatment option to remove the adenomas.
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The symptoms of pituitary tumors vary depending on the part of the pituitary gland affected and which hormones it releases. Some tumors are not accompanied by any signs of the disease, so they go undetected and undiagnosed for years. However, if your symptoms persist for several weeks, it is a good idea to see a doctor. He or she may refer you to a specialist for further testing.
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A pituitary tumor is a group of abnormal cells in the pituitary gland. These cells make hormones that control important functions of the body. A nonfunctioning pituitary tumor does not produce any hormones, while a functioning one produces an abundance of them. These extra hormones can cause the symptoms of pituitary tumors. This can be a serious condition, and it's essential to seek medical attention immediately.
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If you suspect that you may have pituitary tumor, your doctor will first run a series of blood tests. During these tests, doctors measure the levels of estrogen and testosterone in your blood. Abnormal levels of either of these hormones may indicate a pituitary tumor. Another test will measure the levels of cortisol in your urine. A higher level than normal cortisol may be an indication of a pituitary tumor.
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A doctor may also order imaging tests to help them determine the size of the tumor and where it is located. This can help them plan treatment. If your tumor is small, it may not require any treatment, or your doctor may simply monitor it periodically. If you are still young, however, it may be possible to undergo surgery or take medications for the symptoms. If the tumor is detected early enough, your doctor may opt for periodic monitoring.
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A doctor may also suggest a drug called dopamine agonist. This drug should reduce the size of the tumor and help you return to a normal life. It is often taken in pill form, but can have side effects such as dizziness and nausea. Radiation therapy is not recommended for prolactinomas. It is also rare to use radiation therapy to treat prolactinomas. The procedure is performed through an opening in the skull.
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Your pituitary gland is a small organ located at the base of the brain. It regulates the function of many organs and processes within the body. Hormones made by the pituitary gland are responsible for various bodily functions, including growth and sexual development, metabolism, and the way the body responds to stress. A pituitary tumor puts pressure on nearby nerves, and can cause other symptoms of a pituitary tumor.