When it comes to treating penile cancer, the type of treatment is often determined by the stage of the cancer. Surgery, for example, is most commonly used for stage 4 disease and its primary goal is remission. Surgical procedures include wide local resection, wedge resection, and laser ablation, which removes the tumor while leaving a margin of healthy tissue. Other forms of treatment include radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
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Early signs of penile cancer often appear as a lump, sore, or ulcer. These changes may start out small and crusty, but if left untreated, they can grow into a full-blown tumor. Symptoms can spread throughout the penis and to other areas of the body. Early detection can help you receive treatment that will help you regain your sexual health. If you are experiencing any of these changes in penile appearance, it's important to see a doctor right away.
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Your healthcare provider will ask about your symptoms and examine your penis for abnormalities. If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, your healthcare provider may want to conduct a biopsy to determine whether you have penile cancer. If your healthcare provider thinks you have penile cancer, they will send you to a penile cancer specialist, which may be a distance from home. The team at the penile cancer specialist center will recommend further tests and treatment options based on the stage and type of the tumor.
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When the cancer has reached stage III, it's called a metastatic tumor. The cells of this cancer have spread to nearby structures, including blood vessels and lymph nodes. If they have spread to distant organs, the disease is now considered advanced. However, if your cancer is still localized, you may be able to detect it in its early stages. Symptoms include bleeding in the penis, and swelling in the urethra and a lump in the groin.
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The main types of penile cancer include squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. Squamous cell cancer is the most common type of penile cancer. It begins in the cells of the penis' skin. Once it develops, it can spread to other parts of the body, including the bones. Because there are so many types of cancer, it's vital to treat it early. It's important to know the early signs of penile cancer and to seek medical care for it immediately.
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Luckily, the majority of men don't have the symptoms of penile cancer. Most cases are treatable and there is only a one-in-a-hundred percent chance that you'll develop it. Early diagnosis is essential to your chances of survival. Penile cancer is a treatable type of cancer. With early detection, penile cancer can be treated and prevented entirely. The American Cancer Society estimates that 2,070 new cases will be diagnosed in the United States by 2022.
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The symptoms of penile cancer differ from type to type. While basal cell carcinoma is slow-growing, most penile cancers are curable with treatment. Among the most common types of penile cancer are squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. The latter is the most dangerous type of cancer. It usually starts in the sweat glands of the penis and tends to spread slowly. While basal cell carcinoma is slow-growing, melanoma can spread quickly.
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There is no clear cause of penile cancer, but certain factors may increase your risk of getting it. Regardless of whether you have a family history of cancer or not, it's important to get checked as soon as you notice any unusual penile symptoms. However, there are some risk factors you can change that will increase your chance of getting the disease. The risk factors for penile cancer vary with different cancers, and you'll never be 100% safe simply by having them.
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The most common treatment for penile cancer is chemotherapy, which works by killing cancer cells by inhibiting their growth. It can be taken orally or injected into a muscle or vein. The delivery method will depend on the stage of cancer. Topical chemotherapy, for example, can be applied to the affected area. However, if you're suffering from stage 0 penile cancer, you can use topical chemotherapy instead.