Penile cancer has several symptoms. When discovered in the early stages, it is highly treatable. Surgery is usually the best treatment for a superficial tumor, and cryosurgery is also a viable option. The procedure freezes cancer cells, keeping the penis' appearance intact. More advanced forms of the disease may require chemotherapy or radiation therapy. However, if detected early, the overall survival rate is high. Penile cancer symptoms include pain, disfigurement, and impotence.
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Diagnostic tests used to diagnose penile cancer include physical examinations, medical history, and tissue samples. If there are abnormalities, a biopsy will be conducted. A urethrogram is also sometimes performed to determine if cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body. Treatment is based on the stage of the cancer, type, and location of the tumor. If the cancer is new, a biopsy will be necessary to determine whether it spreads.
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If the penis' cancer has spread, it will most likely spread to other parts of the body. In some cases, the cancer has spread to nearby organs. In the case of this type, symptoms of penile cancer may be difficult to detect. Therefore, it is important to schedule a biopsy as soon as possible. Penile cancer symptoms vary based on the stage. If you experience any of these symptoms, visit your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you have your penis diagnosed, the sooner you can begin treatment.
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There are several different types of penile cancer, and recognizing the symptoms can be challenging. Penile cancer begins in the cells of the penis' skin, and usually occurs in the glans, foreskin, and penile shaft. Once this cancer has spread, it can cause other cancers in other parts of the body, including the lungs. Treatments for this type of cancer vary greatly. In most cases, treatment is effective when it is caught in an early stage.
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If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible. Penile cancer symptoms may be caused by a fungal infection or an allergic reaction to a topical product. Antibacterial creams and ointments can treat these conditions. In either case, however, it is best to treat the condition as if it were a disease. Patients may be ashamed to talk about their penis because it might be cancerous. Patients may also be scared of the possibility of surgery or treatment.
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Luckily, penile cancer is highly treatable if caught in its early stages. While penile cancer is a rare condition, it can cause significant complications in the men who develop it. Early diagnosis increases the chances of survival, but late stage cancers may require more aggressive treatments. Therefore, men should be aware of any abnormal changes and visit a doctor immediately. There are certain risk factors that increase the risk of developing penile cancer.
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While penile cancer is rare, there are signs and symptoms that indicate it. Early detection can lead to the most successful treatment. However, if the cancer is detected late, treatment may be less successful and disfiguring. Men who are not circumcised are particularly at risk for developing penile cancer. But all men should keep an eye out for penile lesions. They may indicate penile cancer and should consult a doctor immediately.
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The most common signs of penile cancer include a mass, ulcer, or lump on the penis. These lesions may be raised or flat, inflamed, and have a rash. They can also cause itching, burning, and other unpleasant symptoms. If the lump becomes larger, it may be indicative of penile cancer. It is also important to consult a doctor as soon as possible to diagnose this disease and prevent it from affecting your sexual life.
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Noninvasive penile cancer can be treated with topical chemotherapy medications. The medications include imiquimod, which is a type of fluoroquinol, and fluorouracil (5-FU). Topical chemotherapy is used to treat stage 0 penile cancer. In addition, topical cancer treatments can be used to treat some types of penile cancer. However, the best treatment for penile cancer is still awaiting research and a cure.
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When the cells in the penis multiply out of control, they form cancer. Penile cancer cells can develop in virtually any area of the body and can spread. It begins in the penis' skin cells. It affects only one man in every 100,000 men in the United States. Penile cancer accounts for less than 1 percent of all cancers in men. However, it is more prevalent in parts of Asia, Africa, and South America.