If you have a lump on your penis, see your doctor as soon as possible. Penile cancer does not always hurt, but lumps on the penis should be examined by a doctor. If the lump does not go away within four weeks, see a specialist. Swelling on the end of the penis can be a sign of penile cancer, especially in uncircumcised men. The swelling can make drawing the foreskin back difficult. Penile cancer may spread to nearby lymph nodes.
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Treatment for penile cancer can be a long process. Treatment will depend on the stage of the disease and its spread to surrounding tissues. Early detection is key to a successful outcome. In some cases, a cancer can spread to lymph nodes or nerves. Treatment depends on the stage and type of cancer. While it may seem harmless in the early stages, treatment can be difficult and have side effects. In such cases, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent further complications.
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Early detection and treatment of penile cancer are key to a cure. Surgical treatment for a small tumor is usually the only option for people who experience early symptoms. Cryosurgery, a method that freezes cancer cells, helps preserve the appearance of the penis. More aggressive treatments may include radiation therapy and chemotherapy. This treatment option is a good option for early stage penile cancer, which is most likely curable.
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During a penile cancer diagnosis, some penile cancer patients may experience swollen lymph nodes in the groin. Lymph nodes are small glands in the body that contain immune system cells. However, they can be large enough to feel like a smooth lump underneath the skin. However, this isn't necessarily a sign that the cancer has spread, as they can swell in response to infection.
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During the initial phase of diagnosis, your physician may order a biopsy to test for signs of penile cancer. This procedure involves removing a small piece of penile tissue from the affected area and examining it under a microscope. A cancer biopsy can also show if cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body. Afterward, a treatment plan can be devised based on the type and stage of the cancer.
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If you are concerned about the presence of lesions on your penis, it's important to see your doctor as soon as possible. While it can be difficult to determine the exact cause of a lesions, early detection can help you save penile tissue. In fact, early detection of penile cancer may mean that the damage to the penis is minimal. In addition, treatment for early penile cancer will improve the chances of cure.
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Although penile cancer rarely affects men younger than 40, men aged sixty and older are at a higher risk. Smoking and poor personal hygiene are also risk factors. Penile cancer typically begins on the head of the penis or foreskin, as normal cells develop into cancerous ones. If you have a penile tumor, it's possible that it has spread to other parts of the body. It's best to go to the doctor right away to ensure that it isn't cancer.
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Penile cancer is rare, but it does happen. The most common type is squamous cell carcinoma, which forms on penile skin cells. These cancers tend to spread quickly and are more aggressive than other types of skin cancer. Adenocarcinoma is another type of penile cancer and develops in the sweat glands of the penis. It's one of the rare types of penile cancer and the most aggressive.
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Treatment options for penile cancer include glansectomy, which involves cutting off part of the tip of the penis. The tip may be rebuilt with skin from another area. Then, a trained specialist performs Moh's surgery, a surgical procedure under local anesthesia. During this procedure, the cancer-causing cells are removed while normal tissue is left behind. The surgeon checks for cancer cells when the procedure is finished.