There are many symptoms that you should be aware of if you suspect you might have parathyroid cancer. These symptoms include hypercalcemia, fatigue, and an increased risk of infection. Thankfully, treatment options vary widely. Listed below are some of the most common. While no single treatment option is ideal, you may want to seek a second opinion to decide which treatment is right for you. After all, an expert second opinion is worth its weight in gold.
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Symptoms of parathyroid cancer often begin with the presence of a mass in the parathyroid gland. These masses are small and difficult to detect during a physical examination. Often, they are mistaken for benign parathyroid adenomas, so imaging tests are not helpful in diagnosing this type of tumor. However, a doctor may be able to detect the mass using palpation. If the mass is cancerous, treatment will involve surgery.
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Diagnosis of parathyroid cancer is usually made with ultrasound imaging, although it is not always possible to detect the cancer in patients. However, the symptoms of parathyroid cancer should prompt a physician to perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. If the cancer has spread to the parathyroid gland, surgery is an option to correct the hypercalcemia and confirm the diagnosis. Chemotherapy or radiation are not effective treatments and are not useful in preventing relapse.
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The risk of developing parathyroid cancer is raised by exposure to radiation, especially in the neck. Other risk factors include familial isolated hyperparathyroidism and multiple endocrine neoplasia type I. Early diagnosis of parathyroid cancer is crucial because the disease is more curable if detected early. The prognosis of the disease largely depends on the stage of the disease and the health of the patient.
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In addition to hypercalcemia, patients with parathyroid cancer may have difficulty swallowing and speaking, and excessive thirst. In addition to these symptoms, hyperparathyroidism may also occur as a side effect of the disease and should be treated immediately. Although most cases of parathyroid cancer are curable with surgery, it is important to consult a healthcare provider to make sure the cancer is not a sign of any other disease.
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Moreover, if the calcium level in the blood becomes too high, you may experience depression, anxiety, and fatigue. It may also affect your memory and sleeping habits. Those symptoms are common signs of hypercalcemia, a condition in which calcium levels in the blood are higher than normal. Excess calcium in the blood may weaken your bones, lead to kidney stones, and interfere with heart and brain function. While these symptoms are common, it is vital to get a diagnosis as early as possible.
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Surgery is the most common treatment for parathyroid cancer. Surgery can remove the tumor, but it may also remove other tissue in the case of the disease spreading to other parts of the body. Surgical removal of the tumor, also known as an en bloc resection, removes the parathyroid gland and half of the thyroid. A thyroid lobectomy is also an option if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
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After a thorough physical exam, the doctor will check for the presence of calcium in the blood and PTH levels in the urine. If the latter is abnormal, a CT scan is recommended. A CT scan is a method that uses X-rays to take pictures inside the body. The results from these tests can help determine a person's diagnosis of parathyroid cancer. Once the diagnosis has been made, a doctor will prescribe treatment and give them more information.
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Other symptoms include an increased risk of hypercalcemia (over-calcemia) or adenomas. Parathyroid cancer symptoms are similar to those caused by benign parathyroid gland tumors, such as excessive calcium levels in the blood. High levels of calcium in the blood may also affect the kidneys, leading to kidney stones and kidney failure. You may also experience swelling of the neck or hoarseness of voice, which are common symptoms. It is important to see a physician as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.