Ovarian cancer is a disease that affects women of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish descent. It is also associated with Lynch syndrome, a genetic disorder that increases the risk of breast, colon and uterine cancers. People with this genetic disorder may also experience bloating and other symptoms. For those who have never had the disease, these symptoms may be warning signs of ovarian cancer.
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Women with symptoms of ovarian cancer should seek medical attention if they notice a change in their eating habits or feel pain in their abdomen. A loss of appetite may indicate ovarian cancer, as are bloating, belching, and stomach pain. Abnormal bleeding is another sign of ovarian cancer, particularly if it occurs after menopause. Changes in bowel habits and urinary symptoms may also indicate the presence of cancer.
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Ovarian cancer is the fifth-most common cancer among women and causes more deaths than any other disease of the female reproductive system. It is difficult to detect and can go undetected for years. Though the incidence of ovarian cancer has decreased in recent years, the American Cancer Society projects that ovarian cancer will still kill about 14,000 women in the United States this year. Even though ovarian cancer deaths are expected to decrease over the next two decades, the disease is still one of the most difficult to diagnose.
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Women with ovarian cancer may also experience pelvic pain that is similar to menstrual cramps, but is persistent and does not go away. Pelvic pain may be localized or diffuse. In addition, a woman may notice that she becomes full much faster than normal and that she experiences indigestion or gas. In addition, patients may also experience bowel obstruction following surgery. When the cancer spreads outside of the ovaries, the symptoms of ovarian cancer become more severe and more frequent.
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There are more than 30 types of ovarian cancer. Its onset depends on the type of cells in which the cancer begins. Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most common form and most aggressive. Germ cell tumors are the least common type and are often benign. More than 90% of cases of ovarian cancer are curable. Blood tests are used to check for elevated levels of CA-125, which is a marker of cancer cell growth. Imaging tests such as MRI scans and transvaginal ultrasounds may also be used. Finally, a thin camera may be inserted through the abdomen through a small hole. Then a biopsy is performed.
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Surgical intervention is the only way to diagnose ovarian cancer. Surgery may be used to remove an ovarian mass, but it is not always necessary. Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor may decide to remove other organs as well. For patients with symptoms of ovarian cancer, chemotherapy may be a viable treatment option. These measures, however, require an expert diagnosis. You should seek medical advice immediately if you suspect you have ovarian cancer.
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Pelvic pain may also signal ovarian cancer. It is similar to menstrual cramps, so many women simply assume it is nothing to worry about. However, abdominal pain, pelvic pain, and back pain can also be indicators of ovarian cancer. Some women also report persistent back pain and stress. Ovarian cancer symptoms may also occur after pregnancy. Luckily, if detected in time, chemotherapy may be able to cure the disease and help you prevent the spread of the disease.
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Women with risk factors should seek medical attention if they are experiencing any of these symptoms. A qualified health care provider should perform a thorough physical exam and take a detailed medical history to determine the best treatment options. Imaging studies may be ordered to detect any abnormalities or growths on the ovaries. These tests use high-frequency sound waves to create pictures of internal organs. However, if the cancer has spread outside of the ovaries, surgery may be necessary.
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Other ovarian cancer symptoms may include male-like symptoms. Male-type hair growth is another sign. Male-like characteristics can also include lowered voice. Symptoms of ovarian cancer may include unusual bleeding and vaginal discharge. Ovarian cancer symptoms may also include changes in menstrual cycle, irregular bleeding, and sudden cessation of menstruation. A doctor should be consulted immediately if you notice any of these changes.