Ovarian cancer symptoms are difficult to detect early, especially because they are similar to symptoms of other, less serious diseases. Some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer can be mistaken for pre-menstrual syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, you should seek a doctor's attention. Read on to learn about the signs of ovarian cancer and how to spot them.
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A doctor may use an ultrasound test to detect any abnormalities on the ovaries. An ultrasound examines the lining of the abdomen and pelvic organs using sound waves. The test is painless and requires no special preparation. Ultrasound images help diagnose cancer and guide treatment. This procedure is not an alternative for a pelvic exam; however, it is the first step in the diagnosis process. It will help the doctor determine the exact location and extent of the tumor and whether it has spread elsewhere in the body.
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Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include unexplained pain during sexual intercourse. These symptoms can be caused by several factors, including menstrual changes or heavy bleeding. Women who started menstruating before the age of 12 also have an increased risk of developing the disease. Additionally, women who have never had children or gave birth to children after the age of thirty are more likely to develop the disease. The sooner a woman has a diagnosis, the better.
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When a woman has any of these symptoms, it's important to seek medical attention right away. Cancer starts when cells in the body develop DNA mutations. These mutations cause the cells to multiply and divide more rapidly than normal, healthy cells. These abnormal cells also have the potential to invade surrounding tissues and even break off from the original tumor. The most common types of ovarian cancer are epithelial ovarian cancer and granulosa-theca ovarian cancer. Stromal tumors usually develop at a younger age than the others.
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A woman may experience fluid build-up in the pleura or ovaries. The fluid is removed through a procedure called thoracentesis. A woman who has early symptoms of ovarian cancer may have a vague or irrational diagnosis. If a woman's symptoms are unusual or persistent, they should seek medical attention immediately. A doctor can then determine the diagnosis and recommend treatment.
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Although ovarian cancer can develop without any symptoms, it's important to discuss any unusual symptoms with a doctor. It's important to note that ovarian cancer can cause other symptoms, including pain and bleeding. To get the best care, a woman should be able to document any unusual changes in her ovaries. Ovarian cancer symptoms can be caused by a variety of conditions, so it's important to discuss any concerns with a doctor.
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Ovarian cancer patients may undergo chemotherapy to treat their symptoms. This chemotherapy is aimed at killing cancerous cells while easing pain and other symptoms. Patients may also need follow-up appointments to monitor for recurrence. At these visits, a healthcare provider may ask about your symptoms and order imaging tests, such as a CT scan. The next step will depend on how serious the symptoms are. Ultimately, your treatment should be tailored to your needs and desires.
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Some women may be at increased risk for developing ovarian cancer. For example, women who have children later in life or never had children are at an increased risk. Fertility treatments can increase the risk of borderline cells, or carcinoma in situ. The use of injectable contraceptives and oral contraceptives has been linked to reduced risk of ovarian cancer, although not all studies confirm this. Women with the BRCA gene mutation are at a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer.
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Ovarian cancer may be hereditary, but it is most common in women over 60. Genetic factors also increase the risk of ovarian cancer. Genetic screening for BRCA gene mutations is available to help determine if you have a higher risk of developing this disease. In addition, full-term pregnancies, breastfeeding and other health practices may reduce your risk. If you have any of these risk factors, talk to your health care provider about your family history and discuss the screening guidelines with them.