If you are dealing with a bone cancer, you should be aware of Osteosarcoma Symptom, which is a type of bone cancer. This form of cancer grows rapidly in the bones, especially those near the elbows and knees. You should consult your doctor right away if you suspect that your bones are swollen, hard, or abnormal. Your doctor may perform surgery to remove the affected bone. If the osteosarcoma responds to the surgery, chemotherapy is sometimes used afterward to kill any remaining cancer cells and slow the growth of the tumor.
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A joint pain near the site of the tumor is an indication of osteosarcoma. Joint pain can be caused by many different conditions, so you should seek medical attention if you suspect you have osteosarcoma. If you experience pain near a bone, look for swelling, redness, or tenderness. Other symptoms of osteosarcoma include a bone fracture during routine movement. Some people have pain when lifting a limb. Imaging and biopsy are often needed to detect the cancer.
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When osteosarcoma symptoms last for weeks, it is time to see your doctor. Your physician will be able to determine if your child has osteosarcoma. The condition may be treatable with further testing. If the symptoms persist for more than three weeks, you should schedule an appointment to see a specialist. If they continue, the cancer may be metastatic to other parts of the body, including the lungs.
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Treatment for osteosarcoma depends on where the tumor is located. If it has spread to nearby blood vessels, radiation therapy may be necessary. If the osteosarcoma has spread to distant bones, surgery may be the only treatment option. Surgery carries both short and long-term risks. Young patients need to learn how to use prosthetics and undergo long-term rehabilitation. If surgery is not possible, amputation is the only option.
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Diagnosing osteosarcoma begins with a physical examination. Imaging tests may show signs of the cancer spreading, and doctors can then perform a biopsy. A needle biopsy removes a sample of the tumor tissue for laboratory testing. Afterwards, the doctor may perform an MRI study and a CT chest scan to see if the cancer has spread elsewhere. If the tumor is metastatic, the doctor may order additional tests to confirm the diagnosis.
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The most common symptoms of osteosarcoma are bone or joint pain, swelling, and a tenderness or lump in the affected limb. Osteosarcoma is most common in boys and tall people, and it occurs more frequently in boys than in girls. The disease is associated with certain genetic abnormalities and Paget disease. Osteosarcoma accounts for about three percent of childhood cancers. And it is the third most common cancer in adolescents.
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Treatment for osteosarcoma typically includes chemotherapy. This medicine helps shrink the tumor and kill cancer cells. The treatments usually last for five to eight months. After chemotherapy, the child may need to undergo a bone graft or metal components in the affected limb. If osteosarcoma has progressed, the limb may need to be amputated. Although the treatment for osteosarcoma is usually effective, it is associated with adverse side effects.
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The symptoms of osteosarcoma vary depending on the specific bone in which the tumor has developed. While they do not appear in all children with the disease, they may be a sign of another condition. Osteosarcoma symptoms include pain along a bone or a lump in an area. Most often, these symptoms are worse at night. If the tumor is near the spinal cord, pain may radiate to the arms or legs. Osteosarcoma symptoms may not be readily noticeable, but they must be investigated by a doctor as soon as possible.
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Once diagnosed, osteosarcoma may spread to other areas of the body. When this happens, the prognosis will be worse than the original cancer. Osteosarcoma may be classified as high-grade, intermediate-grade, or low-grade. Each grade indicates how much different the cancer cells look under a microscope, and each of these types of tumors has a different rate of growth. If osteosarcoma spreads to other parts of the body, treatment will be more complicated.