A doctor can diagnose osteosarcoma by asking you questions about your symptoms and your medical history. A physical exam will also be done, looking for growths or lumps near bones. A blood test will show whether the cancer has spread to the bloodstream, and a bone X-ray can show abnormal growths. Treatment will be individualized, depending on the type of osteosarcoma you have.
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Pain is a typical osteosarcoma symptom. If it occurs in the tibia or femur, patients may experience pain when lifting the affected bone. Painless osteosarcomas may be asymptomatic, or the tumor might be deep enough to be felt through the skin. Pain may be more severe at night or during activity. Although pathologic fracture is rare, a person with osteosarcoma may experience pain in the limb even before it fractures.
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Pain, swelling, and a limp are other symptoms of osteosarcoma. This cancer affects the bone's strength and can cause a leg to break. If you notice any of these symptoms, visit your physician right away. The sooner you seek treatment, the better the prognosis. Remember that treatment options depend on how advanced the cancer is. If you suspect your child may have this cancer, ask the doctor for a full examination.
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When your doctor suspects osteosarcoma, a biopsy will be ordered to determine the exact location of the tumor. Treatment usually begins with chemotherapy, which shrinks the tumor and kills any cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the body. If chemotherapy fails to remove the entire tumor, surgery is necessary. This can save a limb, but in rare cases, amputation is the only option.
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Because osteosarcoma is often found in children, a doctor will likely conduct a physical exam and review your medical history. They will look for any lumps that are unusual around bones. Imaging tests may be necessary to show abnormal bone structures and cancer spread. In addition, chemotherapy may help prevent the disease from returning or spreading. In addition to your doctor's diagnosis, you should make friends and family members to help you cope with your condition.
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While osteosarcoma symptoms vary from child to child, many can be confused with growing pains. Pain near the joint may occur even after your child reaches the teenage years. Pain may also be accompanied by redness or swelling in the affected area. Sometimes, your child may also experience unexplained limping in one leg. Your doctor can perform a bone scan and order a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
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In children, treatment may include chemotherapy to shrink the tumor and kill the cancer cells. Surgery may also be necessary to remove the diseased bone and fill in the area with metal components. These metal components may need replacement as your child grows. Eventually, your child may have to have their limb amputated. So, if you are suffering from these symptoms, it is vital to seek medical attention. medicul Osteosarcoma Symptoms
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Once a doctor has confirmed a diagnosis of osteosarcoma, your next step will be to determine a treatment plan. Treatment options for osteosarcoma depend on the specific type of osteosarcoma. Treatment options vary from one patient to another, so it's important to be diagnosed as early as possible. You can begin treatment early and avoid recurrence of the disease.
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Osteosarcoma is a form of bone cancer that typically affects adolescents and children. Although it can occur at any age, the incidence of osteosarcoma is highest in young adults and teenagers. The tumors most commonly occur in bones around the knee, but it can affect any bone. The typical treatment for osteosarcoma is chemotherapy in combination with surgery, although the treatment for localized osteosarcoma has improved overall prognosis.