There are several symptoms of osteosarcoma, which are common to the bones of the arms and legs. The most common symptom is swelling of the bone, which most often occurs at night. Other warning signs include pain, swelling, and a limp. Your doctor will be able to treat your osteosarcoma by either performing surgery or chemotherapy. If the tumor has spread to other parts of the body, radiation therapy might be considered.
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The pain can range in intensity, and it can keep a child up at night. Some symptoms mimic growing pains and may be misdiagnosed as a harmless growing pain. In addition to joint pain, you may also experience tenderness or swelling of the affected joint or limb. This is important because osteosarcoma weakens bones and can cause a fracture. However, the pain associated with osteosarcoma may not be so apparent.
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If the osteosarcoma tumor is in the bone, it may require surgery. The surgeon may remove the affected limb to save the patient's life. Surgery is another option, but it's important to know what the treatment is going to be before you go under the knife. The cancer's size and location determine the kind of treatment. Sometimes, the tumor cannot be removed by surgery, so radiation therapy is used instead. The cancer treatment usually lasts for five to eight months.
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While these symptoms may seem similar to a growing pain, they're a sign of osteosarcoma. If your child is experiencing any persistent pain, it's important to schedule an appointment with a physician. There are several treatments for osteosarcoma, and they vary according to the severity of your case. During the initial stages, your doctor will decide whether you have osteosarcoma.
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Your doctor may suggest certain tests to confirm osteosarcoma. These tests can show whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body and whether treatment is working. Bone cancer cells can grow slowly or quickly, depending on the type of osteosarcoma and its location. Your doctor may recommend certain treatment options based on these results. However, it's always recommended to seek medical attention immediately.
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Genetic syndromes can increase the risk of developing osteosarcoma. This disease is caused by a mutation of a gene. Familial retinoblastoma, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and Bloom syndrome are all hereditary conditions that increase the chances of developing osteosarcoma. In addition, exposure to radiation may cause DNA mutations. Osteosarcoma is the most common cancer of young people.
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The cancer of bone begins in the cells that form bones. Osteosarcoma usually begins in the femur, thighbone, and arm bones. It may also develop in soft tissue outside of bones. Most often, this cancer is diagnosed during adolescence, but it can also develop in older adults. If you suspect any of the symptoms of osteosarcoma, it's important to see a doctor as soon as possible.
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Bone or joint pain and swelling are signs of osteosarcoma. The pain is usually accompanied by swelling or redness in the area of the tumor. Other symptoms include increased pain while lifting, limping, and fractured bones. Osteosarcoma can also cause weakened bone tissue, making it more susceptible to breakage. When the bones are weak, they may break, so it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible.
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Often, osteosarcoma starts in the middle portion of a femur or tibia. It can also develop in other bones in the body, including the pelvis, shoulder, skull, and jaw. If it is detected early, the chances of treatment are good. When a patient's symptoms indicate osteosarcoma, they can be treated immediately. And, if the disease spreads, treatment is even more likely.
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Although the causes of osteosarcoma in dogs are unclear, it is believed that repeated trauma to the bones and other parts of the body may contribute to its development. The early detection and treatment of osteosarcoma can help extend the lifespan of a pet. The prognosis depends on the stage of the disease and the type of treatment selected. Early diagnosis and treatment are the best defense against this ailment, although advanced osteosarcoma can spread to the lymph nodes and lung.