A lump in the mouth or on the lip could be an early sign of oral cancer. Although it may seem benign, it will slowly increase in size and rupture, opening up a huge cave in the area affected. A ruptured lump can be excruciating, and it can also invite further infections. The lump is the most obvious of all oral cancer symptoms. Fortunately, there are some other warning signs to look out for. Listed below are a few.
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Among the most common symptoms of oral cancer are hoarseness, a sore throat, and change in voice. If these symptoms last for more than a few days, you should visit your dentist. In addition, men are more likely to develop the disease than women. Smokers and heavy alcohol drinkers are at higher risk for the disease than non-smokers. Despite these risks, men are twice as likely as women to develop oral cancer.
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Treatment of oral cancer depends on the type, location, and stage of the disease. Treatment for early-stage oral cancer usually consists of surgery and removal of cancerous lymph nodes. During the treatment of advanced-stage oral cancer, patients may undergo radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or targeted drug therapies to fight the disease. However, the best treatment will depend on your overall health, the location and size of your tumor, and its stage.
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Once you know what type of cancer you have, your healthcare provider can determine whether there are any oral cancer symptoms that need immediate attention. Symptoms of tongue cancer may be similar to those of oral cancer, but may be completely different. Your dentist may be able to tell you if you're experiencing these symptoms before you go to see a doctor. A professional can tell you whether the cancer is oral or tongue-based, or whether it has spread to any lymph nodes.
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There are many early oral cancer symptoms that you may notice. The most common type is squamous cell cancer. These cells are flat, thin, and line the mouth and other organs. A physician will ask you about your symptoms, and perform a thorough examination of your mouth and neck. Your dentist may also look for precancerous growths in your mouth. A precancerous growth is a sign of tongue cancer, and it may be present anywhere in your mouth. If you find this type of tumor, it is recommended to get it diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.
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Other signs of oral cancer include erythroleukoplakia, or white and red patches on the mouth. These spots will often be painless, but if they last for more than two weeks, they may be indicative of a pre-cancerous condition. If the patch persists for more than two weeks, it's a sign of oral cancer. However, don't be alarmed if the spots last longer than a couple of weeks.
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Treatment for oral cancer involves surgical procedures that remove the affected area. These procedures include oral surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Surgery may involve removing part of the tongue and reconstructing it using skin from other parts of the body. If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, it might require a surgery called a glossectomy. During the surgery, doctors will attempt to minimize damage to the mouth, while chemotherapy may be needed in some cases.
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Despite its increasing prevalence, many people who have no known risk factors are developing oral cancer. Those with symptoms of the disease should undergo a biopsy to determine if it's malignant. A biopsy of a suspicious tissue sample is conducted by a pathologist. This procedure is usually done in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. In rare cases, the doctor may take a sample from the neck lymph nodes.
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Another common symptom of oral cancer is difficulty swallowing. The patient may also experience pain while eating. As cancer spreads, patients with oral cancer may also experience weight loss. This is because their mouths and throats become sore and painful to chew. The disease may also affect their liver and other organs, making it difficult to swallow or eat normal foods. Therefore, they need to consult a nutritionist to plan a meal plan that is easy on their mouths and throat.